Tier One - Refereed

Foteini Kougioumoutzaki - Sociology in High School: The Case of Greece

Fran Collyer - Max Weber, Historiography, Medical Knowledge, and the Formation of Medicine

Tier Two - Editorial

Jon Westover - The Record of Microfinance: The Effectiveness/Ineffectiveness of Microfinance Programs as a Means of Alleviating Poverty

Marcilio de Freitas - The Deadlocks of the Western Culture and the Amazon Region


Tier One - Refereed

Michael Sosteric - The Death of Newton: Consciousness, Spirituality, and the Second Scientific Revolution

Scott Stillar - Shocking the Cultureless: The Crucial Role of Culture Shock in Racial Identity Transformation.

Dr. Foteini Kougioumoutzaki - Sociology in High School: The Case of Greece.

Kathleen Korgen & Eileen O'Brien - I'm Color-blind But What Are You, Anyway?

Joseph Diaz - Racial Differences in Self-Destructive Behavior Related to Depression.

Btihaj Ajana - Surveillance and Biopolitics.

Kamal Abouchedid & Ramzi Nasser - Effects of Gender and Religiosity Among Christians and Muslims on "Gendered" Role Attitudes Towards bility and Equality.

David Conrad- Defining social capital.

Karam Adibifar - Students's Perceptions of the use of Technology.

Don E. Albrecht & Carol Mulford Albrecht - Economic Restructuring and Socioeconomic Outcomes in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties

Allison Cavanagh - Taxonomies of Anxiety: Risks, Panics, Paedophilia and the Internet.

Sharon Brennan - Animals as Disregarded Pawns in Family Violence: Exclusionary Practices Of Feminist Based Refuge Policies.

Ervin Laszlo - The In-formation Field Hypothesis.

Ryan T. Cragun - The Future of Textbooks?

Robert M. Regoli, Eric Primm, & John D. Hewitt - Tackled in the Red Zone: The Impact of Race on Football Card Values.

Tier Two - Editorial Review

M. Srinivasan - Bridging the Gap Between Science and Spirituality: The Role of Scientific Investigations of Paranormal Phenomena.

Dr. Debra Sabia - Migrant Families in Transition: A Case Study in the Deep South.

Thomas J. Scheff - Routines: Every Day a Groundhog Day?

Tier Three - Editorial Review