Posted by Johnny one leg ( on June 19, 2001 at 11:13:10:
In Reply to: Re: new name for canada day posted by bohunk on June 16, 2001 at 14:01:29:
Bohunk ! you have a right to your hatred. A hatred that was handed down to you from your ancestors where ever they came from in the world.
Name me one country in Europe or in the rest of the world that let other races come onto their lands without a fight, a fight that lasted for hundreds of years.
The people who conquered another raced were hated by that race for a long long time.
Its a hatred that was handed down to you.
I'm native and I paid for my school, only the closest relations to the Chief and Council get "FREE" education. I pay taxes just like you and probably more. I pay for my own medicine. So don't paint us all with the same brush
: Go live in Columbia, Bosnia or Somolia or any other screwed up place if you don't like it here. Go to a place where you would be killed for whining like a spoiled Indian brat who gets free education, medicine and tax free money. Indian people here don't know what real colonization is.
: Be thankful for living here and don't disrespect the country's birthday. If you don't like it get the hell out!
: : hi there! does anyone have any creative, snappy subversive, more accurate terms for canada day?
: : colonisation day? day of big fat lies? any ideas?