Government Information in Canada/Information gouvernementale au
Canada, Number/Numéro 18
Notes [1] May be cited as/On peut citer comme suit: Katherine Prophet. "Threats to Public Access to Federal Government Publications in Canada and the United States."
Government Information in Canada/Information gouvernementale au Canada No. 18 (August 1999).
[] Back to text. [3] Vivienne Monty, "Due North: Issues in Access to Government Information, a View from Canada," Journal of Government Information 23 (July/August 1996): 492. [4] Eugene Tate, "Access to Information: The Canadian Experience," Journal of Information Science 24.2 (1998): 78. [5] Monty, "Due North," 492. [6] Ibid. [7] Ibid. [8] Ibid. [9] Alan H. MacDonald, "Mainstreaming Government Information in Canadian Research Libraries," Government Information in Canada 2.1 (Summer 1995) [] [10] Bruce Morton, "Canadian Federal Government Policy and Canada's Electronic Information Industry," Government Information Quarterly 12.3 (1995): 285. [11] Access to Information Act, Statutes of Canada, sec. 2, 2 (1982). [12] Ibid., sec. 68, a. [13] Peter Hernon and Charles R. McClure, Public Access to Government Information: Issues, Trends, and Strategies (Norwood N.J.: Ablex, 1988), 28-32. [14] Monty, "Due North," 492-493. [15] Robert L. Oakley, "Oral Statement of Robert L. Oakley Regarding S. 2288, the Wendell H. Ford Government Publications Reform Act of 1998," 29 July 1998. [] [16] Monty, "Due North." [17] Morton, "Canadian Federal Government Policy," 284. [18] Kirsti Nilsen, "Social Science Research in Canada and Government Information Policy: The Statistics Canada Example," Library & Information Science Research 20.3 (1998): 212. [19] Ibid. [20] Ibid., 220. [21] Ibid., 215. [22] Monty, "Due North," 495. [23] Ibid. [24] Morton, "Canadian Federal Government Policy," 257. [25] Bruce Morton and Steven D. Zink, "Contemporary Canadian Federal Information Policy," Canadain Public Administration 34 (Summer 1991), DIALOLG. [26] Ibid. [27] Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Government Communications Policy, 1 December 1996. [] [28] Ibid. [29] Ibid. [30] Ibid., 12. [31] Ibid. [32] Ibid., 13. [33] Kirsti Nilsen, "Response to Bruce Morton," Government Information in Canada 2.3 (Winter 1996). [] [34] Ibid. [35] Treasury Board Secretariat, Government Communications Policy, 14. [36] Ibid. [37] Ibid. [38] Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, "Cost Recovery and Charging Policy," 8 April 1997. [] [39] Ibid. [40] Ibid. [41] Ibid. [42] Ibid. [43] Treasury Board Secretariat, "User Charging in the Federal Government: A Background Document," by Richard M. Bird and Thomas Tsiopoulos, June 1996, 5. [] [44] Ibid. [45] Ibid., 7. [46] Ibid., 8. [47] Ibid., 9. [48] Harry Hillman Chartrand, "Rusty Nail on the Information Highway: User Charges and Canadian Federal Government Information," Government Information in Canada 3.4 (Spring 1997). [] [49] Ibid. [50] Ibid. [51] Ibid. [52] Ibid. [53] Ibid. [54] Ibid. [55] Ibid. [56] Ibid. [57] MacDonald, "Mainstreaming Government Information." [58] Ibid. [59] Ibid. [60] Ibid. [61] Ibid. [62] Treasury Board Secretariat, "User Charging," 11. [63] Ibid. [64] Ibid., 12. [65] Monty, "Due North," 494. [66] Ibid, 495. [67] Nilsen, 216. [68] McMahon, 17. [69] Statistics Canada, "Electronic Publications Pilot 1996/1997: Final Report," by Pamela Ramage, Kathryn Mowat and Fay Hjartarson, January 1999. [], 1. [70] Gary T. Cornwell, "The Dissemination of Federal Government Information: Prospects for the Immediate Future," in "Electronic Dissemination of Government Information in Canada: Implications for Equitable Access," Elizabeth Dolan and Liwen Qiu Vaughn, Journal of Government Information 25 (September/October 1998): 442. [71] Dolan, Elizabeth, and Liwen Qiu Vaughan, "Electronic Dissemination of Government Information in Canada: Implications for Equitable Access," Journal of Government Information 25 (September/October 1998): 442. [72] Ibid., 448. [73] Ibid., 450. [74] Ibid. [75] Ibid., 451. [76] Statistics Canada, Electronic Publications Pilot, 8. [77] Ibid., 11. [78] Ibid., 25. [79] Ibid., 14. [80] Ibid., 14. [81] Ibid., 16. [82] Ibid., 18. [83] Ibid., 19. [84] John W.C. Van Bogart, "NML Storage Technology Assessment: Final Report., Section 11: Archival Stability of Digital Storage Media," July 1994,…/11_arch_stability.htm (no longer available) (26 March 1999). [85] Laura Tangley, "Whoops, There Goes Another CD-ROM," U.S. News & World Report, 16 Feb. 1998, Electric Library. [86] Doculabs, Inc, "Doculabs Test Report: Compatibility of CD-R Media, Readers, and Writers," June 30, 1997. [] [87] Tangley. [88] Ibid. [89] Ibid. [90] Statistics Canada, 33. [91] Ibid, 30. [92] Vivienne Monty, Proposal for a Revised Model Depository System, Depository Services Program. 2 June 1998. [] [93] Ibid. [94] Ibid. [95] Gary Cornwell et al., "Problems and Issues Affecting the U.S. Depository Library Program and the GPO: The Librarians' Manifesto," Government Publications Review 20 (March/April 1993): 137. [96] J. Timothy Sprehe, "Are the National Technical Information Service's Prices Too High?" Government Information Quarterly 13, c1996, 373, 19p, EBSCOhost, 1. [97] Ibid., 10. [98] Kelley, Wayne P, "Keeping Public Information Public," Library Journal 123 (15 May 1998): 34. [99] Ibid. [100] Ibid. [101] Ibid. [102] Ibid. [103] Ibid., 35. [104] Ibid. [105] Ibid. [106] Ibid. [107] Ibid., 36. [108] Ibid. [109] Ibid., 37. [110] Ibid. [111] Ibid. [112] Francis Buckley, interview by Francine Fialkoff, "Francis Buckley: Protecting the Public Interest," Library Journal 123 (15 May 1998): 36. [113] Ibid. [114] Ibid. [115] Cornwell et al., 124. [116] Ibid. [117] Peter Hernon and Robert E. Dugan, "Depository Library Service Expectations and the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office," The Journal of Academic Librarianship 24 (January 1998): 65. [118] Federal Depository Library Program, "1998 Specifications for Public Access Work Stations in Federal Depository Libraries," Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program, 15 June 1998. [] [119] Stephanie Ford, "Public Access to Electronic Federal Depository Information in Regional Depository Libraries," Government Information Quarterly 14.1 (1997): 51. [120] Ibid. [121] Betty J. Turock, "Statement of Dr. Betty J. Turock before the Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations for the Government Printing Office," 6 March 1996. Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony, Lexis-Nexis, NEWS, ALLNWS. [122] Ibid. [123] Ibid. [124] Inter-Association Working Group on Government Information Policy, "IAWG Issue Brief on S. 2288," 22 July 1998. [] [125] Barbara J. Ford, "Testimony of Barbara J. Ford Before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, Wednesday, July 29, 1998." [] [126] IAWG, "Analysis." [127] Ibid. [128] Ibid. [129] Ibid. [130] Barbara J. Ford, "Responses from Barabara J. Ford, Immediate Past President of the American Library Association, to Questions for the Hearing Record from Senator Warner, Chair, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration," 29 July 1998. [] [131] Daniel P. O'Mahony, "Responses from Daniel P. O'Mahony, " 29 July 1998, (10 March 1999). [132] Robert L. Oakley, "Response From Robert L. Oakley, " 29 July 1998. [] [133] Ford, "Responses." [134] Daniel P. O'Mahony, "Statement of Daniel P. O'Mahony," 29 July 1998. [] [135] O'Mahony, "Responses." [136] Ford, "Responses." [137] O'Mahony, "Responses." [138] Ibid. [139] IAWG, "IAWG Update: 105th Congress Fails to Enact Title 44 Reforms," 16 October 1998. [] [140] Turock, "Statement." [141] Buckley, "Protecting the Public Interest," 37.