Submission Guidelines

Images:  Submission Guidelines

    Our first consideration of a submission is the quality of the work.  Any exceptionally creative submission will likely be accepted regardless of imposed restrictions.
    We will consider all forms of creative submissions with the stipulation that they have not been previously available on the Internet for the last six months, with the exception of such work being on the creator's own web site.  Perference may be given to submissions previously never available on the Internet.  Submissions available outside the Internet, regardless of being previously or currently available, will be gladly considered.  When sending a submission, please let us know if it is or was previously available and in what form.
    Also, before sending any file larger than 50k please first query with what type of submission you would like to send and give the size of the file(s).  Files can be sent in a compressed zipped format.  If you wish to send work in any other compressed format, please query first.
    Excessively sexually explicit or excessively violent material will not be accepted and may be returned without a reply.
    All submissions should include "Images" in the subject header for the quickest response and should be spent to:

Our geocities address doesn't work properly, so if you sent a previous submission to the geocities address and did not get a response please re-submit to the address above. Thanks.
    For specific guidelines to what we will consider, please refer below.

    Compensation for contributors is in the form of a forum for creators to showcase their work to an audience broader than available to most print publications as well as permanent link(s) to any of the creators' work presented elsewhere on the Internet. In addition, an annual print edition of Images is planned to contain the best contributions presented through the online version with payments to contributors to be determined closer to the time of this publication.

    Short Stories:  We will consider any story regardless of the genre up to 16,000 words; however, preference may be given for more modern and literary forms of stories. We may consider longer stories or even serializing novels for exceptional work.
    Poetry:  Poems of any length will be considered, of any styles, but preference may be given to free verse poetry.
    Articles:  Any non-fiction writing will be considered as long as it is written towards a general audience and is within 16,000 words.  Technical articles may be considered on condition that a layperson can understand and be interested in the content.  Non-fiction pieces we would be most interested in include articles on social, cultural, or economic conditions and/or values, interviews with interesting people, and reviews of interesting topics.
    Columns:  The publication currently has space available for a few regular columns.  Columns of all varieties will be considered; however, those that are the most different and unique will likely earn the available spaces.  The ability to maintain deadlines is also important.  If you are interested please query with a sample column.

    Written work may be sent in ASCII text, WordPerfect (7.0 or less), or Word (7.0 or less) formats.

Artists: (and photographers)
    Artwork of all types will be considered, provided that the work can be shown electronically on a web page.  These pieces can be original pieces of work, or artistic assignments are available for sufficiently talented artists.  If you wish to be considered for an assignment, please query with samples of your work or any www site(s) where your work can be viewed.
    Artwork can be sent in virtual any graphic format, however we would prefer submissions or samples be sent in .jpg format as artwork will be presented on the site in this format.

Other Creative Talents:
    We will consider all forms of multimedia including music, video, and animation.  However, always query us about what kind of submission you want to contribute specifying format of the file as well as file size.

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Copyright © 1998 by Dave A. Law

Last update: Aug. 3, 1998

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