Reader Comments

1. Nice layout, but I sure would like to be able to get a bigger font on this little 7 inch screen. On my screen it looks about ten point, which is tough on these old bifocaled eyes. Maybe you could up it a point or two. Italicized responses to the letters have gotta go - virtually (pun intended) unreadable. Please try something else to differentiate.

2. I was not particularly interested in the contents of this issue (October '93), but it seems to be well written and I will certainly download future issues.

3. Graphics appear a little dense in black & white with no greyscale. But that's a minority view (grin) these days.

4. Perhaps you could add the ability in the Mac version to print specific sections of IT right from the screen. Doing a text output followed by a cut & print is kludgy, but the only alternative is (or seems to be) a print of the whole 'zine.

5. Suggestion for a Department: "Found on the Net." Look for things that are international in flavor and of some degree of off-beat interest. For example, if you email Ian Feldman ( he might send you a copy of his listing of "Bike Tales." This consists of a title, author, publisher & pricing for books about bike trips, many of which occur outside North America. You could ask your readers to submit such items to your attention - I'll bet some interesting stuff will come up.

6. For the heck of it, you might publish a bilingual edition or two. But keep one of the languages English, for us monolingual types.

7. Make some money - sell some of your space to Feder's and other similar publishers to advertise their travel wares. Look over the New Yorker ads and pick a couple of the yuppie advertisers whose wares are related to travel & sell them some space, too. Insist on quality in the form of entertaining and informative ads.

- Harmon Dow, Chicago, USA

Thanks for your free electronic magazine. Hope you'll send me more information on electronic publications available via e mail.

- Awaji Yoshimasa, Kisarazu, Japan

A friend recently gave me a copy of the August issue of Teletimes. I must commend you on all your efforts. Very impressive work.

My question is... Does Teletimes get distributed freely? Mailing list? If so, please add my address to your list. If not.. please send me subscription information.

- Jason Schreiber,

Nice work folks. I would like a subscription to the Mac version by e-mail if possible, since my access to ftp is flaky. Thank you. Could you also e-mail me the submissions guide for writing? Thanks again and pass on my highest praise to the rest of the team!

- Kelly Janz, Strathmore, Canada

Great e-mag... Keep up the good work!!! I especially like your Mailbox icon.

- Otto Grajeda, San Fransisco, USA

The Sept-93 issue was the first one I read. I enjoyed it very much, especially the articles "Cyperspace" by Paul Gribble and "Japans Love Affair with Gizmos" by Prasad Akella. Thank you all for your good work.

- Udo Hakelberg, Berlin, Germany

Your italic typeface is very hard to read. Other than that it is an excellent general magazine.

- James Mitchell, North Carlton, Australia

Thank you to all those who returned their response cards. As you can see, I have followed your advice and done away with italics and replaced them a bold typeface. In response to Mr. Harmon Dow's question about printing, DocMaker does, in fact, allow you to print only certain sections of the magazine if you wish. I do not support printing out Teletimes as this is supposed to be a purely electronic magazine. So perhaps in keeping with the spirit of cyberspace and the environmental theme of this issue, we could all try and refrain from printing Teletimes, tempting as it may be. Another point which was brought up about making some money. If you haven't done so already, please read the Editor's Note for some important information on this subject.

A Wired Correction

While the Wired article (reprinted from v1n2) in the latest Teletimes was interesting, it's my duty as a citizen of the West Coast to point out one problem with Stuart Hertzog's article: Wired isn't published out of New York; though it's physically printed in Boston, its editorial offices are in San Francisco. This is, on all accounts, a West Coast mag if there ever was one.

On a side note, Wired has gone from a bi-monthly to monthly with the publication of its November issue.

- Jason Snell, Berkeley, USA