International Teletimes
3938 W. 30th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V6S 1X3

What is Teletimes?

Teletimes is a monthly general interest magazine which showcases different ideas and view points from around the world. Each issue has a "cover" story that focuses on an important international topic. Even though it is electronically produced and distributed, Teletimes tries not to focus on computer related topics.

What are its goals?

Teletimes seeks to present informed opinion and observation drawn from the experience of living in a particular place. We do not, at this point, have professional journalists with expense accounts :-)

Why should I contribute to Teletimes?

The usual reasons, worldwide fame, prestige and notoriety...though sadly, not money. While we do not pay our contributors as yet, we do get comments on particularly insightful or well written articles. And, technically, one can claim to be "published".

Teletimes offers two main sections for readers and contributors. The "Features" section is devoted to articles, photographs and graphics that address the topic for the month. For those who have more to say or show, the "Departments" section provides regular monthly columns that offer our readers commentary that may or may not address the issue's central theme (it is after all, difficult to create a cake recipe that addresses Problems in Education!)

Where can I get it and how much does it cost?

Teletimes is available for free by sending your name and computer type to or by FTP at in the info-mac/per directory.

Teletimes is also available by mail, on diskette. A small fee will be charged to cover the cost of the disk and mailing charges. Our mailing address is at the beginning of this document.

What sorts of images should I submit?

All images which are submitted should fall into one of the three following categories:

1. An image which is accompanied by an article written by the photographer/illustrator or an associate.

2. A image which is to accompany an article not written by the photographer/illustrator or anyone they have ever heard of. (Mail the editor to get a list of articles which need illustrating).

3. A image which can stand alone (no article) in a "Gallery" section.

The first choice is quite straight forward, you (or someone you know and can work with) may write an article (see Writer's Guide) and you submit photos or illustrations to compliment it.

The second category is a bit more complex. Every month, I will compile a list of articles which will be going into the next issue. Interested photographers and illustrators will receive this list and to take photos pertaining to these articles. This will hopefully increase the amount of articles with graphics (not all writers are good photographers).

The third category gives much more freedom as far as what kinds of photos can be submitted. It would be nice if the photos for the "Gallery" in some way tied in with Teletimes' objective (see beginning), however this is not necessary.

How should I submit my image?

All photos MUST be submitted by e-mail to Submissions must also comply with the following:

Images can be pure photography, pure illustration or some combination thereof.

  1. They must be submitted in PICT or TIFF format.
  2. They must be in RGB.
  3. They must not be greater than 16-bit (8-bit is preferred).
  4. They must be 72 dpi.
  5. They must be either exactly 480 pixels tall and no wider than 640 pixels or 640 pixels wide and no taller than 480 pixels.
  6. Submission must include your name, address, and a 40 word biography. It must also include a statement that this is your work and that you own the copyright.

Right now, Teletimes is published with a maximum of 8-bit graphics. Please remember that dithering can reduce your subtly-shaded masterpiece to a spotty horror.

Please include a little geographical or cultural information with photographs -- Teletimes is an international publication and what may seem self-evident to you might not be clear to someone 12,000 miles away. Also, please give locations for shots so that if any of our readers (or us) are moved by your photo to visit a location they can find it -- or at least ask directions.

Here's a tough one! Images that are submitted to the "Gallery" section can be anything from editorial to pure art. We cannot and will not try and define art (that's your job!). We will not include anything in Teletimes that we feel will offend. So, before you send off a photo PLEASE ask yourself, "How will a completely foreign culture view this?"

When are images due?

Photos should be submitted by the 15th of each month. A photo received on or before the 15th of March would most likely appear in the April issue.

Finally the issue of rights. We retain the right to reprint any article, photo or illustration that has been submitted. You retain all other rights. Because of the nature of Teletimes, we cannot prevent the copying or extraction of images from the compiled documents.