    moments you invent and dread - when you think you want a long 
stretched and clear landscape of trees and rocks - and a sense 
   of you  as singular and empty.  some wind blows against you, you, 
in this grayness   feel thin, alive, (fear disappears. here 
again - anticipations, the psycho logical where they look 
  for you (and what appears to steal you away, is you, the thing 
no system for chaos.  they take your life away with pleasure
abandon the scraps, the words.  I haven't checked my plant 
for days, the changing mutability of the rock pile (blasted 
                  early, I saw the bird crack the seed,   the ingenious 
         bird.  rose bush scrapes
                                                the window.  I've come to love
the wind
                    (and in the blurred eye catch

the funeral the

bearers wait for in





