WHAT'S IN A NAME? For a few years I have been chairing a BC wide committee that meets once per year, in May. Invariably there is a flurry of email and phone calls in March and April as we begin planning the agenda. Invariably, people in the more southerly parts of BC ask me how things are going. And, invariably, I must answer, 'It's still winter'. So the name is a statement about where I live, just as I hope the poetry we publish or publish about is a statement about where we--define that pronoun's antecedent as you will--live here in Canada.

WHO ARE WE? It's Still Winter is a joint undertaking of members of the English Departments of the College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern British Columbia, both located in Prince George B.C.

EDITORIAL BOARD: Don Precosky, Barry McKinnon, John Harris, Karin Beeler

HTML MONKEY: Don Precosky


WHY THE WEB? In the sixties Canadian poetry went through a revolution that was driven by the sudden appearance of a large number of small presses. We believe that we are on the verge of another such revolution in the production and distributionof written work, one based on the internet and the world wide web. By using the web we can get the message out at relatively low cost but we can also be accessible to anyone with a computer and a modem.

Since we have no advertising budget, we rely upon our readers to spread the word. Pass our URL on to anyone you think might be interested.

WHAT WILL WE PUT UP? We want to publish innovative contemporary Canadian poems. We want to publish articles that are about such poems. We want to publish interviews with contemporary Canadian poets. And we want to publish images that reflect contemporary Canadian poetry.

WHAT IS CONTEMPORARY? The question is tricky. I was recently asked to review a new book of poetry that read as if it were written in the 1950's. We want to concentrate on poets and poetry who live in the present, even when they write about the past.

WHAT IS OUR SUBMISSION POLICY? We will consider all submissions in English that are consistent with the previous point. Naturally, we retain the right to accept or refuse publication as we see fit.

Because we are web based,all submissions must be in electronic format, but not in html. Plain text files are most desirable, submitted on disk or as email attachments. Images should be in .gif or .jpg/jpeg format.

We do not pay writers for material that we publish. All reprint rights reside with the authors.

Because we are web based we tend to favour pieces of moderate length, preferably not more that 4,000 words.

This first issue is a casebook dedicated to one poet. Although we might undertake such theme issues again in the future, they will be the exception rather than the norm.


