Men in Black


Exit the Cineplex Odeon, Prince George.

A sunny afternoon in August. A path

through four imaginary dimensions.


K turns his memory over to J--no,

K asks J to burn out his memory

(using a hand-held laser-like device)

of being ingested by a giant cockroach'

an alien trying to steal the galaxy--


K dove headfirst down the bug's gullet

to retrieve a favourite gun, then blew it up

from inside, thus spattering him & J

with fragments, guts & bug-goo--


& of many other such adventures.



K's mission--the mission of the Men in Black

was to keep the masses oil Earth from noticing

they were menaced at every moment by aliens.

Now K seeks that oblivion for himself,


to return to the blameless masses, be one of the extras. J freaks

when he begins to realize K

is taking himself out of the movie.


I would like to get off this path, find a gate

left open through some mistake of my own

into a flowering desert where nothing connects,

where each moment is one of quick understanding,

quick forgetfulness.


K will have to come out of retirement

(in the sequel). His gun will be

of no avail, in a world menaced

not by aliens, but by memories.




Sex at 62


His head bent toward me, he demanded,

"Lots of kissing, when I make love" --I could

let my mouth be devoured, I could be held--

back & forth rocking, from being held--

& his arms, his hands, all over my body,

admiring its smoothness. I said, no, yours

is smoother, mine is horny, scaly as a

reptile--it was in these moments of talk,

a gift, a joke, the rocking stopped--

we were falling (through tile bed

it seemed, the drugs were wearing off),

into some kind of knowledge, unspoken,

this physical syntax--


I knew him, then all through the morning

as we sucked & kissed & caressed

that it was him, got ahead of

this jerky demanding need to do

sex, when it was him there was no choice,

only a face, his rough chin, tousled hair--

then we sat in the Naam eating cereal,

his face & neck white, & the black overcoat.


The fear & the demand, to make love,

are still here, but the mythology is gone--

the fear & the demand weaker, & desire

weaker - but that it is him, that is

stronger, that tile night lit up from inside

the cab when my arm turned his not-

unwilling face to me & the body answered -


he was (is) connected to tile night, the city -


The cock is a torch, a fleshlight,

that lights up the body & our bodies light up

the night--


I can see the end

through him as I kiss him goodbye

at the bus stop, but the face & the words

& that it is him, that shines--


What else--oh that he was Stephen & I

Leopold & the hours were also rooms--

the bar & the taxi on Hastings & the bedroom--

lighted--moving (losing,g it, touching,

knowing, losing it

towards the mouth, mouth on mouth,

the mouth warm wet,

dark red the lips around, the dots

of beard. the eyes that would suddenly

open to see me & seductively close,


the lighted-up minutes. desire breaking

through fixations, making me

glad I'm old, glad they don't hold

no more, letting him, body against mine,

turning & turning over--but going

too fast--doing too much too fast--not

loving the time. slower, better next time


never gets any closer



