Mary MacEwan's Memories of Johnny MacEwan.

My Daddy was a logger up in Prince George
everyone called them rednecks then
redneck logger

to his four children he used to say:
there are mean times ahead
do your homework

we would pout, complain, whine
in vain he made us study
forced us to get an education

he didn't live to see his way of life
by people who have mistaken the enemy
blaming the workers
instead of the money-junkies
with their dividend tax credits and offshore investments
who control it all from behind the scenes
like marionettes

I miss those old days
suppertime, Saturday night, pay-day
hockey night in Canada
kitchen windows all steamed up from
supper cooking on the stove
days when I used to think everything would be fine

Daddy home from work
bearded, beaming at his family
snapping his red suspenders
chewing Copenhagen snoose
tired, triumphant
he would put his pay-cheque on the table and
say to my mother

for you my darlin'
everything I have
all for you.