in the morning
in the evening
the lonely sun
and the moon
that burns the skin
with eyes

she wanted him
but he was not hers
he belonged to nobody
the baseball
the only thing that held him
to the ground
and she was only
a fifth- grader

michelle called me a pig
beating my meat
slaughtering the deformed child
in the fog of summer
she took me to the diamond
and let the umpires suck my blood
each one laughing
as they attached
their ugly mouths
to the sound

kerry not a boy
became friends with david
he told me to get lost
so i did
betting on monopoly at recess
and picking my nose
i would run past the girls
who called me piggy
and wish to god
i could sleep

i was wounded
laying on the baseball field
it was 1945
the russian front
sun shining
and the smell of peanut butter sandwiches
the sound of gun-fire
kerry runs by
c'mon he says we're going to the woods
but i can't move
he's wearing bell-bottoms
his hair is long
and then i realize
i am a prisoner

cold wings
carry me to the ground
i have no childhood
only self-pity
and as i remember
she never said a word to me
just started throwing chairs
and i threw them back
until she was dead
now i don't know