You fade. You fade out.

The memories diminish.

They come only in waves now

that knock the wind out of me

and make me feel like I want to eat

raw metal. I catch

at your heels as you run off

to meet your future, you fade out,

the movie of our life together is ending,

soon it will be all credits and spilled popcorn.

The memories diminish, I only live them

from time to time, as the sky falls apart

and my life comes together

in a totally unfamiliar way.

You fade, your kisses have disappeared

from my skin, no lip-prints anywhere,

your touch has faded, my memories

are old photographs fading in the light.

The world has been cut down to size,

and grand passion has yielded to everyday betrayal,

it is the most common story after all.

After all the years

and all the love, after a child

pulled through the cut window of your belly,

after the blood has been washed away

and I hold her in my arms, bringing her

to meet you face to face, after it all,

it is the most common story after all,

that fades, that fades out, the years

eat it whole as memory's diminished

and I taste metal in my mouth.







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