
I'm nowhere/   an unknown somewhere  where

-my attempts
for location, a wordless  elocution - a lament
silence to let image, solid and only of the world -enter the eye
to take my heart from this, left bereft
and fatherless

( that now I must . . .

in the face of it see a bit of a joke. 
in our practical conerns.

"check my mutual funds."


legacy almost
wordless ( that day you
on the river in the rain at that point where I thought
this is miserable

you said

it's allright with me.

so I take the rain / my future 
without you


"thanks for coming"

I sd goodbye twice without looking

the phone to you rang ...

you died

and I came into this world again, a strange 
and conscious birth

without word, without road

without a father.

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