He stands triumphant, one foot

upon the earth, the other upon

the chest and right arm of his vanquished brother.

He is radiant, his wings spread

in full splendour, the plumes

containing all color.

For his battle dress

he wears a white tunic and golden girdle,

golden and blue ornamental sandals.

In his right hand

he holds a spear which he is thrusting

into his brother's neck.

It has just entered

and there is a spurting of blood.

In his left hand he holds

the scales of Justice.

In the uplifted right cup

there is a human figure praying,

in the left a figure bent over,

hands raised to its face

in an attitude of anguish.


Beneath the Archangel

lies Satan, naked, goat-horned,

looking like a vanquished Pan.

Satan lies flat upon the ground,

his useless pitchfork, twin-pronged,

held limply in his left hand.

With his right hand

he is reaching out to capture

the soul in anguish in the left cup of the balance.

The triumphant foot of Michael Archangelis

prevents him from forever doing so.

But look how, in near death, that evil hand

is still reaching.


Ravello Cathedra



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