Kathleen Donovan, formerly of Prince George BC, is doing an MA degree in Ireland.

Christopher Ewart lives in Calgary.

Laurie Fuhr is a military brat who calls Ottawa home. She appears in Shadowy Technicians: New Ottawa Poets (Broken Jaw Press 2000, ed. rob mclennan) and in the above/ground chapbook, accident: a chain reaction (1999). Her poems have been in various small press magazines, including Graffito, Bywords, Who Torched Rancho Diablo? and Prairie Journal. Laurie edits blue moon, a grassroots Canadian poetry mag. (visit www.geocities.com/bluemoonbooks/bluemoon.html for info). She is currently staying in Winnipeg.

Greg Lainsbury teaches English at Northern Lights Community College in Fort St.John, BC. He is the author of Songs for Schlagenhamer or Digging Your Own Hole.

Jeanette Lynes’ first collection of poems is A Woman Alone on the Atikokan Highway (Wolsak and Wynn, 1999). Her poems have been broadcast on CBC Radio on numerous occasions, and new poems are forthcoming in Grain, Prairie Fire, Rampike, and The New Delta Review (Baton Rouge, LA.). Jeanette is completing her second poetry collection, Adventures in Moving, and has recently completed a chapbook, inglish prof with her head in a blender turned on high. She lives in Nova Scotia.

Barry McKinnon is the author of numerious books of poetry. He lives in Prince George BC.

Ken Norris was born in New York City in 1951 and first came to Canada in the early seventies. He became a Canadian citizen in 1985. He is currently professor of Canadian Literature at the University of Maine.

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