I'd rather be a cat lady
than do the work of the system
Mis-use my brain and creativity for a paycheck
and be exhausted at the end of it.
While in the meantime things worsen for the world,
and all the perfect reports
don't change a thing.

If you win the personality game, you win.
If you lose you aren't liked and you lose.
All you get from the whole thing is poor ventilation diseases,
a pale face, and the ability to wear high heels without falling.

There is nothing sadder than a dumpy 60's earth mother
squeezed into a designer suit.
Having given up on the motherhood, homemaker role
to create some sense of liberation,
moves her legs on a tread-mill
holds herself to deadlines,
loves her own fingers rather than paste men
because it's less trouble.

I'd rather be a tea lady, 
with guests who don't mind kittens,
who make room on the couch
and chat better amid clutter.

I'd rather be a cat lady
with my pussies all around me,
curious of any movement;
ecstatic in wind storms.

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