II. Frontier of Empire & Wilderness Playground

"the righteous anger of the court pierces the corporate veil"

The have-nots are given spending vouchers
as compensation for living lives beneath refinery smokestacks.
Their children get drunk and kill people,
while claiming to have been
all the while standing outside themselves,
watching it all unfold.

But the golden arches are tumescent,
and cast a semiotic glow
over the strenuous life.

The Lazy Kunstler and the Well-Travelled Monkey ask,
if one's ambition is vulgar in its magnitude
(consider the poignant hollow husk of Mr. Wasp)
perhaps one should give oneself over to l
lying dissolute and melancholy on the ground?

And is your ingenuous profession of laziness
only a conscious holding back,
a reflexive suspicion of power?

I have been taking things for granted.)