sitting in your garden

that dusky August evening

near the tree heavy with pears

you remarked we never did share

a bowl of hot and sour

from the Buddhist place we'd been planning on for eons

and laughed "this isn't exactly it"

as you sipped my chicken soup


two nights later and your last

the space between each of your breathes

an eternity

when callers asked how you were

you joked "oh

I've been better"


the energy emanating from you

swirled around

with the intensity of birth

and so soon --

the ashes in the beautiful urn

were incredibly fine

just like you





the anti-APEC protest was a dream demo

every announcement had a "please" in it and

they were giving out free food

in a blink the riot police appeared

primed and pumped with their own terror

that made them terrifying

first beating billy clubs on plexiglass shields

which glistened in the night rain

then swinging indiscriminately

didn't matter if they hit

a video camera or a kidney

organizers stressed non-violence

"sit down, sit down, so they'll know we're peaceful"

somebody shouted "god for prime minister"

aren't we in enough trouble as it as?" I asked

at the possibility of dogs arriving

everyone with a child was encouraged to leave

I was tired, cold, wet, and had to pee

but couldn't quite tear myself away

until a regular trouble-maker

from a Stalinist group

seized a megaphone and ordered

"nobody leave this demonstration"

totally missing the point

this was about freedom and

that's when I left
