remembering the horse whisperer

after accidents, it’s much worse for horses
if the movies have it right. humans, after all, 
can function in all sorts of marred conditions
but horses must be flawless; the belief comes 
from too much mythology, from some school 
of rural design. so the horse is pulled to montana, 
booked with an expensive faith healer who
looks just like robert redford. the horse
doesn’t trust anyone until she’s certain 
it’s robert redford, so many men
look like him. it takes a long time, this trust
in blonde, rugged guys with fancy rope work. 
but there’s something about him; 
the jaded, but attractive 
fortyish renovated farmhouse horse owner
sees it, too. something to do with silence, the way
light hits worn denim, the porch
slants west & each planet, if she squints
after enough bottles of mexican beer
resembles a tiny cure, fizzing & popping
then gone.

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