An online journal of contemporary canadian poetry & poetics
Number 5.1 December 2001



In this time – dark –
the hungry people are sitting in the doorways –
there is no consciousness necessary to this scene –
“how to pick & point & leave them able to change their lives,”
Jean wrote.

This is nothing they’re dying for – the golden lights strung like ropes
across Kitsilano – one thing & another –

& Kenneth Koch said, one line crazy
& one line serious –
“That’s OK.”
“It certainly is.”
“I’m just going home myself.”
(missed something)
“I’ve got one more trip & I’m going home too.”
“Might see ya next time.”

One line true & one line –
cop lights red & blue – flickering fast
“Are we leaving any time soon?”

One line fast – one crazy & one serious –
would keep them sane & true
& so they could write (New Jersey schoolkids) –

& you don’t put the book away
because there’s no line pending.
Vancouver is breaking through
your understandable reticence.

Once it’s made sure you
were drained of the need
of the will
for everything to be

the city
is not unknowable
it’s real

(This is the 10 – westbound – October - dark