An online journal of contemporary canadian poetry & poetics
Number 5.1 December 2001


for l.b.
southern ontario is not forever though the coffee shops say otherwise
the boys who stain your sheets
cross your body like digested snakes, a skin never
they will disappear the scent of men disappears

you will remain your aches a dirty suggestion in the drunken dark
a sudden girlfriend with the necessary parts:

breasts and legs that open, real lips and makeup

the best victim a ragged cock could meet, fuck against and forget
your cunt is a history of men in jeans some with beards and
others boyish

are they sensitive yet do they talk about love
your letters provide no clue
i receive them like birthday cards with the cheque removed
surprise postings that only dismay
end up in a drawer where i put old friends who are no longer

collect dust you once were sweet