Germany, Japan, Canada, the U.S., Sweden, Italy: the logs tell us that our site has been visited by people from all of these countries.

In one way it's disconcertingly anonymous. We have no list of subscribers, so we don't have any names to tie to the addresses that appear in the server logs. But it's also immensely rewarding to think that so many people, from such farflung places, have found us.

Now we have to keep you coming back. This issue contains new poems by George Stanley and Ken Norris, as well as an interview with Stanley and an article surveying Norris' output to date.

We have added another dimension digitized recordings in Real Audio format. Our first offering is a poem read by Brad Robinson. My colleague and fellow editor, Barry McKinnon, has been hosting poetry readings for almost 30 years and has captured most of them on tape. The uncatalogued collection fills several banker's boxes. The excerpt by Brad Robinson is from the oldest cassette I could find after a quick dive into the boxes.

In the future we plan to other recordings from the archives as well as some more recent material. We also plan to add photo essays and original artwork to future issues.

If you have any articles, poems, interviews, audio tapes, photos or documents you would like to have considered for inclusion please contact me via email at precosky@cnc.bc.ca


