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---. Vegetables.
1975; rpt. Montréal: Véhicule Press,
---. Under the Skin. Montréal-New York: CrossCountry
Press 1976.
---. Report on the Second Half of the Twentieth
Century. Montréal-New
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---. The Perfect
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Véhicule Press, 1978.
---. The Book of Fall. n.p.: maker press, 1979.
---. Autokinesis.
Montréal-New York: CrossCountry Press, 1980.
---. To Sleep, To Love. Montréal: Guernica Editions,
---. Whirlwinds.
Montréal: Guernica Editions, 1983.
---. The Better Part of Heaven. Toronto: Coach House, 1984.
---. One Night.
Windsor, Ont.: Black Moss Press, 1985.
---. Islands.
Kingston: Quarry Press, 1986.