I remember you as you were in our first embrace.
You were the golden hair and the unyielding look.
You were the tall girl come into my arms
who laughed a nervous laugh
and desired to avenge her sorrow.

You could not rest in my arms
until we were naked; then you began
to flow like a slow river.
With every kiss I gave you
you moved deeper inside your body
and closer to me.

Above me, you were
the sky
I could suddenly kiss;
beneath me, you were the sensual earth.
I pressed my body to the depth of your bones,
fell headlong into the depths of your fiery eyes.

The quietness of pleasure. Goldenness.
Your memory is made of mirrored light,
of mist, of an almost-sleeping river.
When you smiled up at me
the flawed world shattered,
sorrow was avenged,
and we both had spring and summer in our hearts.