people read it too. It draws people from all fields of life. It seems to create a great response because it's about a woman who is under very difficult circumstances. She is trying to maintain her identity when it would be easier for her to dwindle into a wife. She does what she can to make sure that she keeps on knowing who she is. I'm amazed by the response to this poem. It's made me realize that really small things will help me to get through a bad situation or will help me to understand who I am.

Dee: Are you working on another collection of poems? What are your current writing projects?

Jacqueline Baldwin: I've completed a couple of new poems lately, and I've noticed that I'm pleased with them. I have this incredible feeling of happiness when I sit down and write. I'm working on changing, rewriting one of my poems. The feeling of happiness is sublime--to sit there and be alone in my room and invite poetry in. It is a feeling unlike anything I've ever known.

