
Simultaneous instincts collide.

User of tools:Hunter/gatherer:
hits pauselocks vision onto one
frozen parasite
glowing like a postmodern
on a petri dish

Warrior:Sentient being:
security analysts physical sensation of
-- safetyreality throbs
in her

Five seconds
of pain
to slight irritation

(but a good host makes room)
she hits pause,
breathes relief
as the alien comes back to life, rips off another human head,
inevitable that some would be sacrificed
by this point in the story
they all look human,
you can distinguish the humans

from the invaders
by who wants to kill who
right until the end
when the humans' triumph gushes
over a neon pool of blood &
credits roll into the illusion
with a thousand sharp edged letters.

She stands erect
demonstrates the dizzying speed of evolution,
takes three steps to the TV,
firmly shuts power off,
there is still free will.