Stephen Brockwell lives and writes in Ottawa. His secomd book, Cometology, will be published by ECW this spring. He is a Director of Product Management at Autodesk, a developer of design software products for architecture, land and film.

Meryl Duprey lives in Williams Lake, BC.

Brian Fawcett lives in Toronto. Though primarily known as a poet, he has also published several collections of poetry. His most recent book is The Disbeliever's Dictionary.

Richard Krueger lives in Prince George, BC. He runs The Chapbook Exchange ( and Dirt Thief Press.

Rob McLennan received the 1999 CAA/Air Canada Award for the Canadian writer under 30 demonstrating the most potential. He has authored five poetry books, over two dozen chapbooks, and is editor of three anthologies, Stanzas magazine and above/ground press.

Ross Priddle is a homedad and a bryologist (moss scientist) who lives in Vanderhoof, BC. He is the publisher of VAN, a little magazine.



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