An online journal of contemporary canadian poetry & poetics
Number 5.1 December 2001



"now just bored to death of rain-"
George Murray

we are told the poem starts from a
small space.

on one side, it begins to rain. this is
not the only reason for umbrellas.

i wait for my daughter in a room packt
w/ too many adults, & children. they

keep knocking into me.

my patience wears thin, as does
the coffee cup.


smiling, into his cups. one girl locks
the door, so no one else

can come thru. not a bad idea.

this is what happens when the urban
meets the rural, suburban

lollipops & candies, placating, i
have some myself.

contemplating the ying & yang, one slip
against another, completing circles.

when the adults float thru, my eyes
at torso level. not where love

begins, but lust. listening
to cellphones.