An online journal of contemporary canadian poetry & poetics
Number 5.2 July 2002




Eliminate forever your fears of inadequate network capacity. With no limit on OC-192 × 220 and point-to-point gamma-ray interfaces, this switch is capable of supporting all future traffic. With billions of ports, you can interconnect

if starlight for a moment
stopped - would there be time
to think

everything. Add a dialogue simulation engine; your customers will be able to record automated conversations and play them back during freetime. The optional unlimited, lifetime
of another still

capacity voice and data mailboxes guarantee that no one will ever lose an important message. Increase service to your universal customers; provision our real-

i recall my grandfather
hands and face rough

time foreign language translator. Address the customer's need for immediate intimacy; install our graviton gain capacitor to correct network latency on interplanetary calls. Don't be last in the stream - connect yesterday with The oo Switch from Azlon.

he was a cat's tongue
smelling of oil and - what was it? -