Electronic Edition -- Published by KLR Consulting Inc.

Volume 5 Number 3 -- May/June, 1997


Upcoming Conferences

Teleworking '97

ICM Conferences is putting on a telework conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 12-13, 1997. This conference includes topics such as:

The conference will also include several actual case studies from both the private and public sector.



Chicago, Illinois

Phone: (312) 540-3015

Fax: (312) 540-3010

International Society for Work Options

The International Society for Work Options (ISWO) is presenting their tenth annual conference in Berlin, Germany on May 5-6, 1997. The title of the conference is "The Utopia of Full-Time Employment: Working-Time Flexibility and Employment by Redistributing The Work."

The first day of the conference will focus on connections between working time and employment levels while the second day will look at further measures to increase the flexibility of enterprises. ISWO conferences are very valuable for those who want to learn more about how flexible work options are being implemented around the world. This conference will provide excellent networking opportunities for all who attend.


Jana Jelenski

Berlin, Germany

Phone: 011 49 30 803 91 93

Fax: 011 49 30 803 20 41

Online Cooperation Berlin

The major European conference on telework will be held at the Hotel InterContinental in Berlin June 23-24, 1997. The conference will include presentations on the following key topics:

The will include plenary sessions, parallel presentations, demonstration workshops, and an exhibition area. The conference is in English.


ICEF - Online Cooperation

Berlin, Germany

Phone: 011 49 30 327 61 40

Fax: 011 49 30 324 98 33

Web: www.online-work.com

Telecommute '97

Gil Gordon's sixth annual conference will be held in Orlando, Florida November 2-5, 1997. Gil's conferences are an excellent source of basic and advanced information about how telework is being implemented in North America. If you haven't been to a telework conference, or if you can only go to one conference a year this is the one to attend.


Gil Gordon

Gil Gordon & Associates

New Jersey

Phone: (908) 329-2266

Fax: (908) 329-2703

e-mail: 74375.1667@compuserve.com

Web: www.gilgordon.com

Communicating with Telework International

If you have any ideas for articles, would like to submit an article or have new telework related links to add to our site please e-mail them to help@klr.com