What I love about America is that if I went to a bank with a business plan about lobbying the federal government to start a custom minting service where one could get U.S. legal tender printed with one's own picture in the corner. What could be more conspicuous consumption than paying $8 for every $5 bill in your wallet? Anyway, if I went to a bank with that idea as my business plan they would give me start-up capital. Even the banks realize they are in the entertainment business in America. ["Business Plan #44897" May 10, 1999] --------- YOUR check out my latest shareware at: DAILY http://www.interlog.com/~spyker/ebob.html STEAM http://www.interlog.com/~spyker/ZenGarden.html --------- ISSN 1206-4130 http://www.interlog.com/~spyker YOUR DAILY STEAM is a continuing series of almost-daily fables written by James Spyker. If you like them feel free to forward them around. Send me your e-mail address to receive a free subscription. Subscription and editorial correspondence to yds@2x4group.com