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July / August
Vol. 33, no. 4

A World to Read: An Exhibition of Children's Books

Josiane Polidori
Research and Information Services

The Canadian Children's Literature Service proudly celebrated International Children's Book Day on April 2 by organizing the exhibition A World to Read. The books in the exhibition appeared on the IBBY 2000 honour roll (International Board on Books for Young People). The first of its kind, this travelling exhibition presented 188 books from 44 countries in 37 different languages. Illustrator Ian Wallace graciously lent original works from his book Boy of the Deeps, which was part of the IBBY 2000 selection. The IBBY honour list exhibition was accompanied by a retrospective of Canadian books that had been included in the IBBY honour list between 1980 and 2000.

The exhibition opening took place in the presence of Roch Carrier, National Librarian, Catherine Mitchell, President of IBBY-Canada, members of the children's literary community and representatives from various embassies, including Her Excellency Sallana Shaker, Ambassador of Egypt.

The IBBY Honour List 1980-2000, a catalogue of the retrospective of Canadian books, is available for $10 from the Canadian Children's Literature Service.

For more information, please contact Josiane Polidori, Head, Canadian Children's Literature Service, by telephone at (613) 996-7774, or by e-mail at