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Bulletin cover  Previous ArticleContents

September / October
Vol. 34, no. 5

Did You Know...

that Gwynneth Evans, former director general, National and International Programs, National Library of Canada, is the 2002 recipient of the Dr. Dayton M. Forman Memorial Award? Presented annually by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), the award recognizes outstanding leadership in the advancement of library and information services for blind and visually impaired Canadians.

Ms. Evans' dedication in promoting equitable access to information for all Canadians was lauded, as were the many initiatives for the visually impaired in which she has played key roles: Task Force on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians, Council on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians, Adaptive Technology in Libraries Program, Large Print Publishing Program, and CANUC:H/CANWIP (Canadian Union Catalogue of Materials for the Handicapped / Canadian Works in Progress).