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Vol. 34, no. 6

Young Visitors from Nunavut

Last August 22, a group of ten young people between the ages of 15 and 29 from the Nunavut Territory paid a visit to the National Library of Canada and discovered its numerous services.

The Nunavut Youth Editorial Board organized a conference on the theme of writing and publishing, which was held August 17-24, 2002, in the National Capital Region.

According to the Nunavut Youth Editorial Board, it is important that our youth get involved and speak out in our society, since they are tomorrow’s leaders. To do this, they must be supplied with the necessary resources.

By organizing the conference, the Nunavut Youth Editorial Board is striving to provide young people with the means to express and develop themselves.

During their stay in Ottawa, the young people had the opportunity to visit various organizations. These photos provide an overview of their visit to the National Library of Canada.