May/June 2003 New Additions to the Electronic CollectionLouise Tousignant, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services In 2002-2003, several new publishers joined our voluntary deposit program for electronic publications. Legal deposit does not yet apply to electronic publications, therefore all such acquisitions are made on a voluntary basis on the part of publishers. The new names that now appear on the list of publishers archiving their publications at the Library and Archives of Canada come from government and the commercial sector: publishers from the commercial sector include Édi-Texte, Elder Grove Press, FOCAL, FORREX and the Service des libraries de l’Université de Montréal; new federal government departments include Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Federal Court of Canada and the Kananaskis Summit. The following are new items that were added during the past fiscal year:
Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada This report is the result of work performed by the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, created by the Prime Minister in 2001 and chaired by Commissioner Roy Romanow. The Commission's mandate was to review Canada's health care system, engage Canadians in a national dialogue on its future, and make recommendations to enhance the system's quality and sustainability. The final report and any other documents relating to the Commission, including Discussion Papers, have been added to the Electronic Collection. Internet Shopping in Canada Published in 2001 by Statistics Canada and available in PDF format, this publication presents the results of an analytical study of Canadians conducted in 1999 regarding window-shopping and shopping on the Internet. It provides details concerning the methods of payment used, type of Internet users, products and services purchased on-line, orders and spending by province, etc. Tables and a list of references enhance the analysis. The 1997 Canada Pension Plan Changes: Implications for Women and Men Published in PDF format by Status of Women Canada, this study answers the following questions: Why do women fare worse than men as a result of Canada Pension Plan contribution changes? Whose jobs will be lost as a result of job growth reductions due to CPP contribution increases? Figures, tables and a bibliography complete this analysis.
À chacun son arbre : guide de survie en forêt pour l’âme et le cœur [French only] Written by Robert Internoscia and published by Édi-Texte in PDF format, this publication "addresses the energy released from trees, the messages that trees convey and the daily support they offer us. The author describes the special relationship that humans can have with forests and their spirits." [translation] Literature Review on Learning Through Recreation Published in PDF format by Canadian Policy Research Networks, this publication is part of CPRN discussion paper series F. Author Caroline Beauvais reviews Canadian scientific literature sources and papers published since 1990 relating to the structured recreational activities of young people between 10 and 15 years of age. This review focuses on two aspects: the effects of leisure activities on the physical and psychosocial development of youth and the identification of factors affecting young people’s participation in structured recreational activities. A bibliography and a list of additional readings add to the richness of this literature review. The Electronic Collection currently includes more than 9 000 titles and more than 30 000 periodical issues available for consultation. For more information, contact: Electronic Publications Acquisitions Section Telephone: (819) 997-9565 or 1-877-896-9481 (toll free in Canada) |