Received during the reporting period | 4,812 |
Outstanding from previous period | 530* |
Total: | 5,342 |
Completed during reporting period | 4,890 |
Carried forward to fiscal year 2003-2004 | 452 |
For the reporting period CIC received a total of 4,812 formal requests under the Privacy Act.
(b) Disposition of requests completed
All disclosed | 2,767 |
Disclosed in part | 1,384 |
Nothing disclosed (excluded in total) | 1 |
Nothing disclosed (exempted in total) | 6 |
Unable to process | 478 |
Abandoned by applicant | 140 |
Transferred | 114 |
Total: | 4,890 |
A total of 4,890 requests were completed during the fiscal year. Of these requests, the information requested was disclosed in its entirety in 2,767 cases, or 56.6% of all requests. An additional 1,384 or 28.3% of requests saw a partial release of the requested information. One of the completed requests resulted in complete exclusion of the information and six of the completed requests resulted in complete exemption of the information totalling 7 or 0.1% of the completed requests. The remaining 732 or 15.0% of the completed requests fall into the categories of unable to process, abandoned by applicant, or transferred to another department.
* CIC reported to Parliament last year that it carried over 531 active requests. The starting balance reported here is lower by one because one request was completed in 2001-2002 but closed in the tracking system in 2002-2003.
(c) Exemptions invoked
Subsection 18(2) | 0 |
Paragraph 19(1)(a) | 227 |
Paragraph 19(1)(b) | 46 |
Paragraph 19(1)(c) | 123 |
Paragraph 19(1)(d) | 215 |
Section 20 | 0 |
Section 21 | 181 |
Paragraph 22(1)(a) | 126 |
Paragraph 22(1)(b) | 352 |
Paragraph 22(1)(c) | 0 |
Subsection 22(2) | 1 |
Subsection 23(a) | 0 |
Subsection 23(b) | 0 |
Section 24 | 1 |
Section 25 | 4 |
Section 26 | 1074 |
Section 27 | 53 |
Section 28 | 0 |
Total: | 2,403 |
The majority of exemptions invoked under the Privacy Act fell under Section 26, designed to protect the personal information of an individual other than the requester; Section 19, which covers personal information obtained in confidence and Section 22, dealing with law enforcement and investigations. Section 26 was invoked in 1,074 cases or approximately 45% of all exemptions applied in 2002-2003. Section 19 was invoked in 611 cases or 25% of the exemptions. Finally, Section 22 was applied in 479 cases or 20% of the total exemptions.
(d) Exclusions invoked
Paragraph 69(1)(a) | 0 |
Paragraph 69(1)(b) | 0 |
Paragraph 70(1)(a) | 1 |
Paragraph 70(1)(b) | 0 |
Paragraph 70(1)(c) | 0 |
Paragraph 70(1)(d) | 0 |
Paragraph 70(1)(e) | 0 |
Paragraph 70(1)(f) | 0 |
Total: | 1 |
(e) Completion time
30 days or under | 3,558 |
31 to 60 days | 687 |
61 to 120 days | 319 |
121 days or over | 326 |
Total: | 4,890 |
Approximately 73% of completed requests were processed within 30 days.
(f) Extensions for 30 days or under
Interference with operations | 19 |
Consultations | 531 |
Translation | 5 |
Total: | 555 |
(g) Translations
Translations requested | 8 |
English to French | 7 |
French to English | 1 |
(h) Method of access
Copies given | 4,057 |
Examination | 14 |
Copies and examination | 80 |
Total: | 4,151 |
(i) Corrections and notation
Corrections requested | 9 |
Corrections made | 1 |
Notation attached | 2 |
(j) Costs
Full-time equivalent utilisation | 33.3 |
Salary | $1,356,270 |
Administration | 403,905 |
Total: | $1,760,175 |
(k) Complaints to the Privacy Commissioner
Received during reporting period | 82 |
Outstanding from previous period | 40 |
Total: | 122 |
Completed during reporting period | 86 |
Carried forward to fiscal year 2003-2004 | 36 |
Disclosure of personal information under paragraph 8(2)(e)
The Department processes formal requests when an investigative body designated in the Regulations submits a request in accordance with the requirements specified in the Treasury Board manual on Privacy and Data Protection.
Requests for information concerning three hundred and ninety-one (391) of Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s clients were received from investigative bodies under paragraph 8(2)(e) during the reporting period under review. Most requests for this fiscal year were from the bodies listed below:
This section describes the administration of the Access to Information Act within Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for the fiscal year April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003.
(a) Requests under the Access to Information Act
Received during the reporting period | 7,444 |
Outstanding from previous period | 858 |
Total: | 8,302 |
Completed during reporting period | 7,218 |
Carried forward to fiscal year 2003-2004 | 1,084 |
(b) Source of requests
Media | 72 |
Business | 6,096 |
Organizations | 101 |
Public | 1,171 |
Academia | 4 |
Total: | 7,444 |
(c) Disposition of requests completed
All disclosed | 3,073 |
Disclosed in part | 3,079 |
Nothing disclosed (excluded in total) | 13 |
Nothing disclosed (exempted in total) | 8 |
Unable to process | 584 |
Abandoned by applicant | 433 |
Transferred | 4 |
Treated informally | 24 |
Total: | 7,218 |
(d) Exemptions invoked
Paragraph 13(1)(a) | 138 |
Paragraph 13(1)(b) | 22 |
Paragraph 13(1)(c) | 145 |
Paragraph 13(1)(d) | 55 |
Section 14 | 33 |
Subsection 15(1) international relations | 2 |
Subsection 15(1) defence | 0 |
Subsection 15(1) subversive activities | 799 |
Paragraph 16(1)(a) | 73 |
Paragraph 16(1)(b) | 49 |
Paragraph 16(1)(c) | 375 |
Paragraph 16(1)(d) | 1 |
Subsection 16(2) | 134 |
Subsection 16(3) | 1 |
Section 17 | 10 |
Subsection 18(a) | 10 |
Subsection 18(b) | 1 |
Subsection 18(c) | 1 |
Subsection 18(d) | 4 |
Subsection 19(1) | 2,514 |
Paragraph 20(1)(a) | 8 |
Paragraph 20(1)(b) | 35 |
Paragraph 20(1)(c) | 43 |
Paragraph 20(1)(d) | 16 |
Paragraph 21(1)(a) | 101 |
Paragraph 21(1)(b) | 142 |
Paragraph 21(1)(c) | 40 |
Paragraph 21(1)(d) | 33 |
Section 22 | 14 |
Section 23 | 107 |
Section 24 | 3 |
Section 26 | 0 |
Total: | 4,909 |
The majority of exemptions invoked under the Access to Information Act fell under three sections: Section 19(1), designed to protect the personal information of an individual other than the requester; Section 15, which covers subversive activities and Section 16, which deals with law enforcement and investigations. Section 19(1) was invoked in 2,514 cases or 51% of all exemptions applied in 2002-2003. In addition, in 801 cases or 16% of the total exemptions, CIC applied Section 15. Another 632 or 13% cases of the exemptions invoked were pursuant to Section 16 of the Act.
(e) Exclusions cited
Subsection 68(a) | 20 |
Subsection 68(b) | 1 |
Subsection 68(c) | 1 |
Paragraph 69(1)(a) | 24 |
Paragraph 69(1)(b) | 1 |
Paragraph 69(1)(c) | 5 |
Paragraph 69(1)(d) | 8 |
Paragraph 69(1)(e) | 18 |
Paragraph 69(1)(f) | 2 |
Paragraph 69(1)(g) | 79 |
Total: | 159 |
(f) Completion time
30 days or under | 6,108 |
31 to 60 days | 614 |
61 to 120 days | 175 |
121 days or over | 321 |
Total: | 7,218 |
Of the 7,444 requests received during the reporting period, 4,943 requests were completed within 30 days and 1,189 requests were completed within authorized extension periods.
(g) Extensions for 30 days or under
Searching | 11 |
Consultation | 1,325 |
Third Party consultation | 3 |
Total: | 1,339 |
(h) Extensions for 31 days or over
Searching | 257 |
Consultation | 46 |
Third party consultation | 11 |
Total: | 314 |
(i) Method of access
Copies given | 6,104 |
Examination | 23 |
Copies and examination | 25 |
Total: | 6,152 |
(j) Costs
Full-time equivalent utilisation | 30.5 |
Salary | $1,463,668 |
Administration | 778,788 |
Total: | $2,242,456 |
(k) Net fees collected
Application fees | $36,355.00 |
Reproduction | 17,540.80 |
Searching | 50.00 |
Preparation | 154.60 |
Computer processing | 5.00 |
Total: | $54,105.40 |
(l) Fees waived
$25.00 or under | $21,643.20 |
Over $25.00 | 13,389.40 |
Total: | $35,032.60 |
(m) Complaints to the Information Commissioner
Received during reporting period | 44 |
Outstanding from previous period | 80 |
Total: | 124 |
Completed during reporting period | 94 |
Carried forward | 30 |
[1] The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into force June 28, 2002 and replaced the Immigration Act.
Date Published: 2003-03-31 | Important Notices |