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Section Title: Media and Publications

Official Languages Progress Report
Achievements 1998-1999

MISSION: To build a stronger Canada by: deriving maximum benefit from the global movement of people, protecting refugees at home and abroad, defining membership in Canadian society, and managing access to Canada 1998-1999.


First objective Principal measures taken Outputs Status
To facilitate the integration of immigrants into Official Language Minority (OLM) communities. Ontario Region  
- Consulted with le Conseil des organismes francophones du Toronto Métropolitain, Alpha-Toronto and le Centre Medico-social communitaire de Toronto on a study of francophone needs conducted in Toronto. - Following up on the results of the needs assessment and identifying next steps. - Waiting for Official Language Minority (OLM) groups to proceed.
- Continued with the Francophone Newcomer Services needs assessment in the Hamilton-Niagara Region in consultation with local and regional OLM groups. - Conducting a review of best practices. - Study to be concluded by the next fiscal year.
- Where appropriate, make changes to the Service Delivery Model. - The review of existing services has been completed.
- Improved the delivery of settlement services to francophone groups via focus group consultations to obtain feedback on needs and the Service Delivery Model and to review existing services. - A one-time call for proposals generated a number of projects. - 4 projects received approval.

- Increased the availability of settlement material in French to francophone organizations in order to assist them in their volunteer work.

- Providing the Association de L'Alberta with CIC produced settlement material in French.

- This will be completed when the new "Welcome to Canada" kit is available.

- Improved the provision of settlement services in both official languages. - Mandating Catholic Social Services within its 99/2000 agreement to display signage and provide services in both official languages. - Ongoing.
- Staffing the next vacancy at Catholic Social Services on a bilingual basis. - Ongoing.
- Translating settlement brochures into French. - Ongoing.
- Monitoring requirements for services in the French language in the next year. - Ongoing.
- Determining if additional staff are required to provide services in both official languages. - Ongoing.

Integration Branch  
- Consulted with community associations via regional representatives to determine the language needs of clients. The Settlement Branch modified its programs and services to better respond to the needs identified. - Regional plans permitted National Headquarters to follow the situation and to assist the regions to put the Official Languages Act (OLA) in action. - Ongoing.
- Offered settlement services in both official languages to groups which integrate new arrivals. - Following consultations with minority organisations, funding agreements were signed with service providers in the National Capital Region and New Brunswick to provide language training in French to new arrivals in the regions. - Completed.
- Official language training policy and directives for the Language Training for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program continue to guide regions so that they can provide specifications concerning the applicability of programs, taking into account the requirement and spirit of the OLA, and to better respond to the needs of new arrivals. - Ongoing.
- Continuing efforts to increase the recognition and use of official languages policy in their service contracts. - Ongoing.
Second objective Principal measures taken Outputs Status
To encourage OLM communities to participate in CIC activities. Atlantic Region  
- Enhanced the visibility of francophone organisations and the understanding of the equal status of both French and English for new citizens. - Providing invitations to representatives of francophone organizations to attend citizenship ceremonies to address new citizens, and their family and friends. - Ongoing.

- Held special citizenship court ceremonies.

- At a ceremony sponsored by Ecole Mare-Anne Gaboury and the St. Vital School Division, the student body provided the entertainment including the choir.

- Held on April 28, 1999.

Integration Branch  
- Prepared National Citizenship Week materials in both official languages. Minority language organisations were encouraged to distribute this material and to participate in the activities organised for National Citizenship Week. - All promotional material concerning citizenship was produced in both official languages. For National Citizenship Week, approximately 17, 000 schools in Canada received brochures and order forms to obtain promotional materials concerning this event. - Completed.
Third objective Principal measures taken Outputs Status
To promote awareness among CIC's clients and the general public of Canada's bilingual character and the presence of OLM communities in every province and territory. Communications Branch  
- Produced the second season of A Scattering of Seeds, a documentary series highlighting the experiences of various immigrant groups. - 13 individual shows. - Shows from the first series and 13 from the second season have been broadcast in both official languages.
- Posting of shows on the producer's website in both official languages.

Atlantic Region  
- Encouraged new English speaking citizens to repeat the Oath of Citizenship in French in recognition of the bilingual character of the county.

- Increasing recognition by new Citizens of the bilingual nature of Canada.

- Ongoing.

- When Citizenship ceremonies were held in schools, addresses by school representatives were encouraged to be bilingual. - Increasing the general public's awareness of Canada's bilingual character.


- Ongoing.

- Francophone Order of Canada recipients presided over citizenship ceremonies held in the francophone areas of New Brunswick. - Enhancing visibility and use of the French language. - Ongoing.
- Enhanced staff awareness and participation at the federal level during various francophone events. - Appointed senior officer as the departmental contact for intergovernmental liaison and francophone communities in preparation for the Sommet de la francophonie held in Moncton in September 1999. - Completed.

Ontario Region  
- As part of improving client services and providing support, attempts were made to identify proper OLM groups in Ontario.

- Sent a call for proposals to OLM groups.

- Proposals have been received and the assessment is ongoing.

- Enhanced and improved communication tools by the development of bilingual Settlement websites in Ontario funded by CIC. - Settlement sector websites were made bilingual. - Completed.

- Called for and displayed promotional material produced by francophone communities. - Sample promotional materials were received in June 1999. - Materials are under review and where deemed appropriate, will be displayed with Saskatchewan CIC offices and abroad.

- Assisted in the effort to attract more French-speaking immigrants to Manitoba.

- Holding discussions between CIC and Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Citizenship to identify steps in assisting the Société Francophone Manitobaine (SFM).

- Ongoing.

- Displayed informational brochures/packages in all CIC Manitoba offices. - CIC has established contact with the SFM informing them of the opportunity to enhance the attractiveness of the province to immigrants via the provision of information packages. - Pending responses from the SFM.

Integration Branch  
- Continued to inform clients of the requirements of the OLA in documents that prepared them for citizenship exams.

- Produced educational materials which stressed the importance of official languages and assisted those in preparation for citizenship exams. These documents, in French and English, were available to all adults presenting a request for citizenship.

- Completed.

Quebec Region  
- Regular meetings were held with anglophone organizations in Quebec, including information exchanges on programs and the participation of anglophone organizations in Citizenship Week celebrations. - Increased discussions with OLM groups and enhancing the awareness of the bilingual nature of Canada. - Completed.

- Fostered the recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society by providing simultaneous interpretation at major events, translated abstracts produced by the project's Centres of Excellence and promoting bilingualism at Metropolis workshops.

- Used interpreters for plenaries at national and international conferences to ensure that all sessions were delivered in English and French.

- Ongoing.

- Translated 14 abstracts in the Canadian Journal of Regional Science. - Completed.
Fourth objective Principal measures taken Outputs Status
To consider the interests of OLM communities when developing departmental policies and programs. Communications Branch  
- Produced all materials in both official language. - Widening the availability and distribution of print and electronic material. - Ongoing

Atlantic Region  
- Involved provincial managers in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland with the Federal Councils in their respective areas and provided support to official languages projects initiated at this level.

- Increasing the participation of individuals knowledgeable of OLM communities and thus enhancing the opportunity to increase the visibility of bilingualism at the federal level.

- Ongoing.

Ontario Region  
- Created employment opportunities for francophone speaking individuals.

- Increasing employment opportunities for francophone speaking individuals via the addition of a francophone component to the Job Search Workshop initiative.

- Completed.


- Increased the availability of consultation mechanisms.

- Identifying the needs and concerns of OLM communities.

- Ongoing.

- Recruited bilingual officers. - Recruitment via provincial newspapers targeting francophone communities for a vacancy at CIC North Portal. - Pending responses.

- Enhanced dialogue with the francophone community to determine their needs within the context of departmental programs. - CIC has participated in various discussions with the francophone community. For example, CIC has been involved in initial discussions to define and establish a single window approach for the delivery of French language services to the OLM communities in Manitoba. Other activities include informing the Franco-Manitoban community of new programs and/or changes to CIC programs, CIC representation on the Manitoba Federal Council Subcommittee on Official Languages and participating at an Interdepartmental Coordination Meeting. - Ongoing.

- Increased the opportunities available for francophone participation on community issues.

- Establishing a CIC Advisory Community Council in the Calgary area this fiscal year.

- Ongoing.

Integration Branch  
- Defended the interests of minority language groups during negotiations to redefine federal and provincial responsibilities in settlement services.

- Specific clauses concerning the demand for services in both official languages were incorporated by Settlement Branch during negotiations.

- Ongoing.

Quebec Region  
- Held meetings with the Official Languages Commission and anglophone organizations.

- Progress made in integrating OLA responsibilities and obligations in Quebec Region's management plan.

- Ongoing.

- Provided the National Coordinator, Strategic Policy, Planning and Research (SPPR) of the Section 41 implementation with a list of Metropolis Project research papers, highlighting those of potential relevance to the vitality of OLM communities.

- SPPR reviewed 7 papers provided by Metropolis.
- SPPR distributed "In Montreal: An Experiment in Cosmopolitanism within a Dual Society" a research paper pertaining to interaction between immigration and an OLM community to the official languages co-ordinator for the Quebec region.
- SPPR received 4 newsletters informing them of issues of potential relevance to OLM communities.
- Ongoing

Strategic Policy, Planning and Research  
- Considered the interests of OLM communities during negotiations between CIC and provincial governments on federal/provincial responsibilities for settlement services.

- The Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations division concluded settlement realignment agreements with British Columbia and Manitoba.

- Completed.
Fifth objective Principal measures taken Outputs Status
To ensure that CIC policies and programs foster the recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. Atlantic Region  
- Continued to promote bilingualism in public displays. - Events such as Citizenship and heritage Week, Customs Information Day included audio-visual displays and bilingual promotional material for public distribution. Continued preparation for other events of a bilingual nature. - Ongoing.

Integration Branch  
- Article 41 was taken into account in the elaboration of policy, directives and regulations in the development of a new Citizenship Act.

- Ensured that all documents (paper or electronic) pertaining to the new Citizenship Act were made available in both official languages

- Completed.

Strategic Policy, Planning and Research Branch  
- Reviewed and incorporated Section 41 considerations into various departmental reports.

- Provided comments on the draft Business Plan, Departmental Performance Report and Report on Plans and Priorities.

- Ongoing.

Human Resources Branch


- Monitoring and audit of departmental implementation of OLA.

- Sent an annual reminder to senior management to self assess OLA performance using the Manager's guide.

- Completed.

- Visited CIC offices in Montreal and the Atlantic region. - Reports of on site visits are ready for distribution to the respective regional Directors Generals for action planning.
- Systematic follow up to the Commissioner of Official Languages and Treasury Board Secretariat studies and complaints to ensure that corrective action is implemented.
- Held discussions with the Service Line responsible for senior managers evaluation and compensation plan as part of the effort to include an assessment of OLA obligations in managers appraisals. - Introducing (for 1999-2000) a new plan for senior managers. Following a one-year transitional period, the plan will be reviewed to discuss the inclusion of OLA obligations. - Follow up action is required in February 2000 in order to evaluate the implementation of the new plan and to identify next steps.
- Delivered an information session on OLA obligation including Section 41 to the Atlantic Region's management team. - Reinforced the importance of the department's OLA responsibilities. - Completed.
- Tabled a request with the departmental Centre for Learning Activities (CLA) to include information on the OLA in the department's orientation program. - Including materials on OLA in the Orientation package distributed to new employees. - Follow up with the CLA to discuss the inclusion of OLA material in orientation packages.

Assistant Deputy Minister - Corporate Services  
- Actively participated in the interdepartmental OLA champion group to further the recognition of the importance of English and French to Canada.

- Stimulating and enhancing awareness on behalf of those who come into contact with the ADM of the importance of the bilingual nature and character of the country.
- Continued to provide direction and ensured that staff took into consideration the OLA during discussions and implementation of various policies and programs.

- Ongoing.

Date Published: 2000-10-04 Return to top of page Important Notices