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“So Much Sharing”: Evaluation of the Capacity-Building Component of the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative

March 8, 2008

Final Evaluation Report

Table of contents

Executive Summary


1.1 The Community-Capacity Building Component of the CBCI
1.2 Evaluation context and approach


2.1 Initial consultations with CCBC members
2.2 Reflective sessions, evaluation questions
2.3 Evaluation plan and data collection processes


3.1 Description of program activities
3.2 Impacts of the national networking support and the National Collaboration Model
3.3 Impacts of the CCB on making a difference for people with breast cancer
3.4 Role of the CCB in provinces and territories
3.5 Role of the CCB in the overall CBCI
3.6 Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the provincial/territorial breast cancer community network organizations
3.7 Gaps and needs that the CCB could fill


Appendix 1: Evaluation Tools

Initial consultation guide
Focus group guide
Guide for interviews with CCB members
Email questionnaire for network members
Interview/questionnaire for partners (generic version)

Appendix 2: Evaluation plan

Note: Readers should note that the final report does not take into account any changed situations with respect to the program that have occurred since June 2007.

List of acronyms

CBCI Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative
CBCRI Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative
CBCN Canadian Breast Cancer Network
CBCF Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
CCB Community Capacity Building (component of the CBCI)
CCBC Community Capacity-Building Committee
CCS Canadian Cancer Society
PHAC Public Health Agency of Canada
RMAF Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework