Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Regional Offices

PHAC Quebec Region

The Quebec Regional Office administers programs focusing on health promotion and primary prevention approaches funded by the federal government, including the Regional Operational Funding and Regional Project Funding components of the AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP).

ACAP is currently funding 28 community-based AIDS organizations, including 24 projects under the Regional Operational Funding program and 24 projects under the Regional Project Funding program.

How to apply for ACAP funding

For more information on ACAP funding in the Quebec Region, contact Hélène Baird at (514) 283-3453 or, or write to:

Public Health Agency of Canada
Room 212, Complexe Guy-Favreau
East Tower
200 René Lévesque Blvd. West
Montreal, QC H2Z 1X4

List of ACAP-funded projects - 2008-2009
Public Health Agency of Canada - Quebec Region

"Prévenir le VIH et autres ITSS par la consolidation et le développement du travail de rue" [Prevention of HIV and other STBBI by strengthening and developing outreach work]

Applicant organization: STELLA, l'amie de Maimie

Project description: Project to prevent HIV and other STBBI among female sex trade workers in Montreal and the regions by strengthening outreach efforts.

Deliverables: Workshops for female sex trade workers on safe sex and working conditions; production of a magazine (Constellation); ongoing presence of an intervention team.

Success indicators: The number of "invisible" female sex trade workers reached will increase by 50%; clients will have increased knowledge about HIV.

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Wings For Our Future / Des ailes pour notre avenir

Applicant organization: STELLA, l'amie de Maimie

Project description: This project targets female inmates and/or infected women as well as workers in the field of parole eligibility and labour force reintegration. Various workshops, information stands and training sessions are planned to enhance HIV and HCV awareness, information, prevention and support both inside and outside detention centres. Through these activities, inmates will gain greater understanding of modes of infection and prevention techniques, while social workers will become more familiar with available resources and be in a better position to provide appropriate referrals. The project’s target clientele comprises about 250 inmates and 90 social workers.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) holding 30 HIV/AIDS and HCV prevention and information workshops; 2) organizing support groups for infected inmates; 3) conducting basic HIV/HCV training for prison workers; and 4) analyzing and distributing the results.

Success indicators: 1) active inmate participation in the project; 2) a 75% increase in the client group’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS and safe practices; 3) an increase in the number of requests for support; and 4) 50% of the trained workers will be more knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS and HCV.

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"Projet de l'animation de la vie communautaire" [Community animation project]

Applicant organization: MIELS-Québec

Project description: Project to secure funding for the community facilitator position in order to maintain and develop the principal activities carried out with people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), including outreach, integration, training, support and linkages among all parties involved in the HIV/AIDS community.

Deliverables: Workshops and social activities for PLHA; organizational meetings and gatherings; training for volunteers.

Success indicators: Social ties will be created among PLHA and PLHA will be more involved in activities; there will be an improved dynamic conducive to the development of community life; 30 new volunteers will join the organization; ties with organizations will be developed.

"Direction générale" [General Management]

Applicant organization: Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-SIDA)

Project description: Project to support community AIDS groups in fulfilling their mandates, as well as to carry out political actions and advocacy work with governments, departments, and public sector health and social service agencies.

Deliverables: Advocacy for member organizations; partnerships with community organizations; training workshops; development of the Epsilon II evaluation tool.

Success indicators: Member organizations' ability to carry out their mandates will be enhanced; cooperation among member organizations will be maintained and improved; community action will be better recognized among the decision-making bodies of the various networks.

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Table multisectorielle pour le maintien et l'accès au travail des personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique évolutive

Applicant organization: Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-SIDA)

Project description: This wide-ranging provincial partnership project seeks to modify the procedures, rules, regulations and laws that govern the employability of PLHIV suffering from a progressive chronic disease. To that end, a multidisciplinary issue table will be set up representing provincial ministries, insurance bodies, and employers' and union groups concerned by Quebec's labour policies.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) organizing meetings of the multisectoral committee; 2) coordinating and planning follow-up meetings according to committee recommendations; 3) keeping a log on the entire process; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) sustained participation by representatives; 2) 24 partner meetings and 12 mutlisectoral committee meetings held; 3) barriers to employment readiness identified; and 4) changes made to employment readiness procedures and conditions.

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"FEMMES +" [Women+]

Applicant organization: Centre for AIDS Services Montreal (Women) (CASM)

Project description: Project to consolidate the organization through funding of the director position. The organization provides a variety of services to women from various cultures who have HIV/AIDS or are affected by it.

Deliverables: Ties with the entire health and social services system; advocacy for women living with HIV/AIDS.

Success indicators: The number of volunteers will increase over the next four years; the multicultural clientele that comes to the centre will grow; the number of partners working with women will increase.

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"Soutien réfugiés + : projet d'accompagnement et de soutien des personnes réfugiées séropositives" [Refugee support: project to support HIV-positive refugees]

Applicant organization: Centre for AIDS Services Montreal (Women) (CASM)

Project description: Project to provide support to HIV-positive persons who have either obtained refugee status or are awaiting refugee status, in order to facilitate their integration and prevent social isolation, which can affect their health.

Deliverables: Recruitment and training of support workers; assistance to clients wishing to access health, legal or community services; integration of clients into support groups and the activities of the organization; creation of a communications and referral network among organizations working with this clientele.

Success indicators: The target clientele will have increased knowledge; clients will be better equipped to develop a social support network; clients will participate in greater numbers in the information and support activities of the organization, and will more readily use health and social services.

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Positivement femmes projet d'accompagnement et de soutien des personnes réfugiées séropositives" [Refugee support: project to support HIV-positive refugees]

Applicant organization: Centre for AIDS Services Montreal (Women) (CASM)

Project description: This four-workshop program conducted in Montreal shelters for abused women will address sexual health and preventing ITSBs and be co-led by an HIV-positive woman. The purpose of the workshops is to make abused women aware of the risks associated with ITSBs, help them develop communication skills to deal with sexuality and enable them to negotiate safe sex.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) creating a working committee in conjunction with partners; 2) training social workers and women living with HIV to co-lead workshops; 3) conducting workshops on communication and HIV, HCV and ITSB prevention for women in shelters; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) the women will be more knowledgeable about infections and risk factors; 2) 10 shelters will have a well-established workshop program in place; and 3) 75% of the social workers and HIV-positive women will develop skills as facilitators to ensure the project’s continuation.

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"Projet d'intervention par les pairs auprès de jeunes de la rue du centre-ville de Montréal" [Peer intervention project with downtown Montreal street youth]

Applicant organization: C.A.C.T.U.S. Montréal

Project description: Project to change the risk behaviours of marginal youth in the urban centre through peer intervention and a collaborative effort by CLSC des Faubourgs, Le Bon Dieu dans la rue, Stella, Centre Dollard-Cormier, and CACTUS.

Deliverables: Training of peer-helpers among street youth; HIV-AIDS awareness activities.

Success indicators: Young people will have increased knowledge and skills in the area of HIV/AIDS; health and social services will be demystified for young people; social ties among youth will be created; safety in the downtown area will be improved.

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"Programme de consolidation organisationnelle" [Organizational consolidation program]

Applicant organization: ÉMISS-ère (Équipe Multidisciplinaire d'Intervention en Santé Sexuelle)

Project description: Consolidation of the organization through funding of its administration. Montérégie organization providing prevention services for women in crisis, at-risk youth, and people with addiction problems.

Deliverables: Strategic plan for the organization; organizational funding and services consolidation program; prevention initiatives.

Success indicators: Strategic directions will be established; the partners will adopt various prevention projects developed by the organization; 350 women, 500 young people and people with addiction problems will gain knowledge about HIV.

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"Poste de directeur" [Director position]

Applicant organization: Groupe d'Entraide à l'Intention des Personnes Séropositives et Itinérantes (GEIPSI)

Project description: Organizational consolidation project to stabilize the director position in order to fulfil the organization's mission of encouraging participants to take charge of their health with the help of a support group. It is also aimed at defending and promoting its members' interests by explaining the realities they face to various individuals, bodies and organizations.

Deliverables: Advocacy for homeless, addicted PLHA; support group for homeless, addicted PLHA.

Success indicators: PLHA will have increased knowledge about the dangers of reinfection; 25 new members will receive support each year; more requests will be received from PLHA for support to return to work.

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"Administration et Éducation / Prévention" [Administration and education/prevention]

Applicant organization: Groupe d'action pour la prévention de la transmission du VIH et l'éradication du sida (GAP-VIES)

Project description: Project to maintain a staffed office and an operations centre that is one of a kind in the field of HIV/AIDS information, education and health promotion, with a view to preventing the transmission of HIV in Montreal's Haitian community.

Deliverables: Information sessions; prevention materials; radio broadcasts on the situation of PLHA; short pieces in the Haitian community's electronic media advising compassion; workers' awareness day with a focus on the Haitian community.

Success indicators: 100 adults from literacy centres will have increased knowledge of HIV/AIDS; 70,000 people will be reached during special events and will receive condoms and information on prevention; 50,000 people will be made aware of the situation of PLHA through radio broadcasts; 40 workers will learn effective intervention strategies for use with Haitian clients.

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Par elles, pour elles, pour la vie

Applicant organization: Groupe d'action pour la prévention de la transmission du VIH et l'éradication du sida (GAP-VIES)

Project description: This project will be carried out by a partnership of organizations concerned by the situation of women living with HIV, and involves three types of activities: 1) Adapting and implementing an intervention program that empowers Montreal Anglophone women living with HIV in situations involving disclosure of their HIV-positive status; 2) Training social workers and beneficiaries of partner community groups in the use of the * Femmes d'abord + program (both English and French versions); 3) Organizing a regional forum on the experience of women living with HIV.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) adapting and implementing a bilingual intervention program related to the disclosure process; 2) training social workers and resident women living with HIV to conduct the training program for others; and 3) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) better assistance provided to women living with HIV; 2) 70% of the women living with HIV will feel more in control of disclosure situations; 3) the social workers will be equipped to assist women living with HIV with the disclosure process; and 4) 30% of participating women with HIV will have the necessary skills to facilitate the program.

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"Coordination du volet Éducation à la prévention" [Coordination of the prevention education component]

Applicant organization: Bureau Régional d'Action SIDA (Outaouais) (BRAS)

Project description: Project to ensure that the organization's prevention activities are maintained and sustained, as well as to develop partnership agreements with the network, organize activities to help people understand the seriousness of HIV/AIDS, and promote the development of initiatives related to changes in epidemiology.

Deliverables: New prevention activities and strategies to deal with "AIDS fatigue;" prevention committee responsible for planning; partnership agreements for reaching target groups; meetings and training sessions with partners.

Success indicators: The sustainability of activities and services will be ensured beyond the term of Health Canada funding; young people will be more aware of issues related to sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS; homophobia in young people's social circles will decrease; and prevention/education activities in the gay community will increase.

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"Coordonnateur(trice) au soutien des PVVIH/Sida" [PLHA support coordinator]

Applicant organization: Centre des R.O.S.É.S de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Description of project: PLHA support coordinator position to ensure the continuation of the N.A.V.I.R.E. project which helps PLHA who want to return to work. This project supports individuals in the reintegration process, in collaboration with many partners, and is tailored to regional conditions.

Deliverables: Promotional flyers from the organization; support services to help new clients return to work; skills improvement tools to help PLHA who want to return to work.

Success indicators: Half of the region's PLHA who are not involved will be reached; PLHA will return to work in a stable manner.Back to top


Applicant organization: Centre des R.O.S.É.S de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Project description: A prevention project to reduce the incidence of behaviours that carry a risk of HIV/AIDS and STD transmission, targeting at-risk youth through the region's youth centres.

Deliverables: Collection, compilation and analysis of data concerning the needs of youth; workshops on sexual health tailored to the needs of youth; presentation of workshops to youth centre workers.

Success indicators: Knowledge of sexual health and HIV/AIDS-related needs of 30% of at-risk youth; 30% of the young people targeted will have a better understanding of HIV transmission and the means to prevent it; 50% of workers will improve their intervention skills in the area of sexual health.

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"Programme de coordination des bénévoles" [Volunteer coordination program]

Applicant organization: Mouvement d'Aide et d'INformation Sida Bas-Saint-Laurent (M.A.IN.S)

Description du projet: Volunteer coordination project to reinforce support services for PLHA in the Lower St. Lawrence and Gaspé.

Deliverables: Annual information tours; training workshops; television and radio broadcasts; service agreements with partners.

Success indicators: 50 volunteers will be recruited; the skills of volunteer resources will be enhanced; services will be improved and maintained.

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"Des ACTIONS... le SIDA ... la CÔTE-NORD ...notre CAUSE !" [Actions...AIDS...the North Shore...our cause]

Applicant organization: Actions Sida Côte-Nord

Project description: Consolidation of the organization through funding of the director general position. The organization serves a vast area and is in the process of setting up four points of service to reach its clients. After several years in operation, it is ready to extend outreach and activities throughout the area in order to better meet the needs of clients.

Deliverables: Return-to-work support group for PLHA; memoranda of understanding with partners; various training and information workshops on HIV/AIDS prevention.

Success indicators: Client use of services will increase by 5%; the particular needs of PLHA will be met; remote communities' access to the various health care services will improve.

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"Pour une Côte-Nord en santé sexuelle" [For a sexually healthy North Shore]

Applicant organization: Actions Sida Côte-Nord

Project description: The aim of this two-part project is to promote the organization's services and to reduce risk behaviours in populations that are vulnerable to HIV infection.

Deliverables: Creation and dissemination of promotional and awareness materials; series of workshops in target organizations; training sessions for workers in remote communities.

Success indicators: At-risk youth will be reached in greater numbers by prevention activities; the demand for services from Aboriginal communities will increase; the number of remote communities reached by the organization will increase, as will the number of partners.

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"Prévention milieux" [Prevention in the communities]

Applicant organization: Sidaction (Trois-Rivières) inc.

Project description: HIV prevention project aimed at target groups and workers in their respective communities.

Deliverables: Prevention activities with at-risk client groups; accessible prevention materials; thematic workshops and training sessions; memoranda of understanding with partners.

Success indicators: 200 inmates, 200 IDUs, 100 young people, and 10 workers per community will have increased knowledge about the modes of transmission of HIV; 50 gay men a year will increase their use of condoms.

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"Cat Woman Mauricie"

Applicant organization: Sidaction (Trois-Rivières) inc.

Project description: Project targeting female exotic dancers, escorts, and erotic massage providers in the Mauricie region; its aim is to prevent HIV/AIDS and STD transmission among these women.

Deliverables: HIV/AIDS and STD prevention activities aimed at target clientele; distribution of prevention materials; development of a local resource directory; project implementation support for partner organizations.

Success indicators: 80 % of bar owners, massage parlours and escort services in the area will collaborate in the project; distribution of 100 local resource directories; use of help resources will increase. Back to top

« Les femmes face au VIH/SIDA » [Women and HIV/AIDS]

Applicant organization: Bureau Local d'Intervention Traitant du Sida (B.L.I.T.S.)

Project description: The goal of this prevention project is to reduce HIV and STD transmission among at-risk women in the Centre-du-Québec region.

Deliverables: Creation of a working committee composed of partners; worker training in HIV, STDs and sexuality; sexual health workshops for at-risk woman and adolescent girls in the five CLSC territories in the Centre-du-Québec region.

Success indicators: Women and adolescent girls will have increased knowledge of the modes of HIV and STD transmission; 400 women and 100 adolescent girls in the region will develop the skills required to adopt safer practices; 75 workers from various organizations will improve their ability to carry out awareness activities with these women.

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"Trajectoire de vie" [Life path]

Applicant organization: Bureau Local d'Intervention Traitant du Sida (B.L.I.T.S.)

Project description: Project to maintain and strengthen the organization's activities to help PLHA who are seeking social involvement and want to return to work.

Deliverables: Series of workshops aimed at promoting PLHA's social involvement and return to work; advocacy; development of the partnership network needed to support the reintegration of this client group.

Success indicators: Knowledge of the individual needs of PLHA will be developed; 12 PLHA will receive support as they return to work; the partnership network promoting these activities will grow.

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Campagne de compassion à l'égard des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida en région

Applicant organization: Bureau local d'Intervention traitant du sida (B.L.I.T.S.)

Project description: The purpose of this campaign for compassion for PLHIV/AIDS in the Centre du Québec region is to raise public awareness of the situation of PLHIV, provide information to lessen the fear of HIV infection and promote ITSB prevention, and encourage tolerance and acceptance of PLHIV/AIDS. Other goals include developing sustainable tools fostering compassion for and solidarity with PLHIV, and fighting stigma and discrimination.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) developing and releasing a facilitator’s guide and a video to raise the target population’s awareness; 2) creating and distributing to partners a pictogram representing solidarity with and acceptance of PLHIV; 3) creating capsules promoting compassion for PLHIV and publishing them in local newspapers; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) decreased stigmatization of and discrimination against PLHIV in the region; 2) a population that is better informed, more sensitive to and more tolerant of PLHIV; 3) tools be made available to fight discrimination and stigmatization; and 4) 134 compassion capsules published in local newspapers.

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"Coordination régionale de programmes de prévention du VIH/Sida" [Regional coordination of HIV/AIDS programs]

Applicant organization: Sida-Vie Laval

Project description: HIV/AIDS prevention program aimed at female sex workers ("Catwomen"), men who have sex with men (MSM), young MSM, IDUs, young people and inmates. Research and development activities for projects targeting the Haitian community.

Deliverables: Prevention activities with at-risk target groups; prevention materials; training program for the Haitian community of Laval.

Success indicators: Knowledge about the risks of HIV transmission and the adoption of safe behaviours within at-risk client groups will increase; harm reduction among IDUs will be enhanced; the number of referrals and information exchanges between partners will increase.

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Agent de développement et de liaison en toxicomanie pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH/VHC de Laval

Applicant organization: Sida-Vie Laval

Project description: This project targets IDUs and treatment centre workers along with inmates infected with HIV/Hepatitis C and federal prison staff. Its goals are to implement a range of prevention and support services in three treatment centres and promote networking and the social integration of inmates within the custodial facility. Various prevention workshops, clientele support services and training sessions and presentations for workers are planned in order to reach the program’s objectives.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) organizing opportunities for dialogue and cooperation with partners; 2) putting in place a complete range of prevention services for client groups; 3) conducting thematic workshops on HIV/AIDS, prevention and health; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) Creation of an sustained support and prevention network; 2) 14 workshops held and attended by 400 substance abusers and 20 former inmates; 3) 50% of attendees will have a greater understanding of HIV/AIDS and risk factors; 4) 30% of them will have a positive attitude towards taking charge of and protecting their own health.

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"Programme Éducation-prévention" [Education-prevention program]

Applicant organization: Mouvement d'Information, d'Éducation et d'eNtraide dans la lutte contre le Sida (M.I.E.N.S.)

Project description: Project to carry out HIV prevention activities in the form of information and prevention workshops for at-risk client groups.

Deliverables: Information and training activities on HIV/AIDS; prevention projects tailored to at-risk client groups; consultation meetings; knowledge transfer with the region's organizations.

Success indicators: More people will be reached; knowledge about HIV/AIDS in these client groups will increase; more organizations will work in partnership with M.I.E.N.S.

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"Et si on parlait de santé sexuelle" [Let's talk about sexual health]

Applicant organization: Mouvement d'Information, d'Éducation et d'eNtraide dans la lutte contre le Sida (M.I.E.N.S.)

Project description: Project to establish a network of trained volunteers to support the prevention sector of the organization.

Deliverables: Recruitment of a network of 30 volunteers from target groups and/or with expertise working with the target groups; delivery of training and resources to enable volunteers to carry out awareness, information and prevention activities; development and delivery of prevention, awareness and information activities to target client groups in the region.

Success indicators: More people will be reached; knowledge about HIV/AIDS in these client groups will increase; more organizations will work in partnership with M.I.E.N.S.

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"Liaisons avec les communautés" [Links with communities]

Applicant organization: MIELS-Québec

Project description: Prevention initiative in the Quebec City region to educate men who have affective and sexual relations with men (MASM), as well as young people in crisis and at-risk groups that have not been reached, or have been reached inadequately (e.g. marginalized women, drug addicts, inmates), about the current realities of HIV/AIDS and safe sex practices. It also targets the general public through the dissemination of information tailored to the current HIV/AIDS reality.

Deliverables: Training of volunteers from at-risk client groups; condom distribution; linkages with institutions to which these client groups regularly turn; workshops on sexuality, self-esteem and HIV/AIDS; crisis line.

Success indicators: Management of HIV/AIDS issues by at-risk communities will be enhanced; condoms will be more widely available in various communities; client groups will have improved knowledge of HIV/AIDS and better self-esteem. Back to top

"Promotion de la santé" [Health promotion]

Applicant organization: MIELS-Québec

Project description: Health promotion program for PLHA providing activities such as workshops and conferences held in cooperation with the Regroupement des personnes atteintes du VIH-sida de Québec; buyer's guide on products that have an impact on the health of PLHA.

Deliverables: Health promotion committee; newsletter; health-related workshops; partnerships with health professionals and alternative health practitioners; buyer's guide on products that have an impact on the health of PLHA.

Success indicators: PLHA will have a greater ability to make informed choices about medications; more health professionals will be able to meet the health and social needs of PLHA; PLHA will have comprehensive knowledge of clinical trials and their health implications; PLHA will have a safer and more satisfying sex life; more PLHA will undertake the process of returning to work.

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Les Branchés

Applicant organization: MIELS-Québec

Project description: This project targets MSM (men who have sex with men) in Quebec City and will explore the impact of using the Internet for sexual purposes, sexual practices and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other ITSBs. Goals include enabling MSM to identify factors influencing the adoption of safe sex practices in connection with meeting sexual partners over the Internet and enabling them to avoid risks.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) gathering information about sexual encounters arranged on the Internet; 2) distributing an anonymous questionnaire on sexual practices to MSM; 3) creating a tool to make MSM who use the Internet more aware of safe sex; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 80% of the social workers will have a better understanding of the Internet’s influence on safe sex practices adopted by MSM; 2) 70% of the MSM will be able to identify risky practices and how to avoid them.

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Les Anges gardiens

Applicant organization: MIELS-Québec

Project description: This peer support project pairs up two PLHIV, one of whom is a volunteer assistant providing various types of support depending on the other person's needs. The project's goals are to foster the development of quality relationships between PLHIV in Quebec City, promote the expression of emotions, meet various needs, put an end to isolation and prevent the transmission of ITSBs among PLHIV.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) recruiting and training PLHIV who wish to become “guardian angels” (supportive peers) for other PLHIV who require assistance; 2) recruiting PLHIV who require support; 3) matching “guardian angels” with PLHIV who require assistance; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 30% of participating PLHIV will take part in a greater number of social activities; 2) the PLHIV will be familiar with and able to use means to protect themselves against HIV; and 3) 30% of participating PLHIV will feel a greater sense of empowerment.

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"Education and Prevention Initiatives"

Applicant organization: Sida bénévoles - Montréal (ACCM)

Project description: Project to ensure the continuation and development of the organization's education and prevention services in order to better serve at-risk client groups and expand the partnership network.

Deliverables: Training of partners in HIV/AIDS; ongoing training of staff and volunteers; promotional tool; prevention activities in cooperation with partners; memorandum of understanding with partners.

Success indicators: Networking with potential partners will increase; accessibility of information will be improved and maintained; partners will be made aware of at-risk groups' need for HIV/AIDS information; at-risk client groups will be educated about HIV/AIDS; PLHA will be involved in the organization's prevention activities. Back to top

"Client Support Services"

Applicant organization: Sida bénévoles - Montréal (ACCM)

Project description: Project to ensure the continuation and development of the organization's services to PLHA. The purpose of these services, which include psychosocial support, support groups, practical assistance, workshops, brown bag lunches, and animal therapy, is to enhance the skills and quality of life of PLHA so they can return to work.

Deliverables: Psychosocial support for PLHA; brown bag lunches; financial assistance activities; series of life skills workshops.

Success indicators: PLHA will know more about the services provided; the number of PLHA referred by the organizations will increase by more than 50%; the quality of life of PLHA will be enhanced; the skills of PLHA will be improved, enabling them to return to work.

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"Treatment Buddies"

Applicant organization: Sida bénévoles - Montréal (ACCM)

Project description: Project to improve the quality of life of PLHA who are undertaking a new treatment regimen or having problems complying with an existing treatment program.

Deliverables: Treatment training for volunteers; training of compliant PLHA to become "buddies;" training materials in both languages.

Success indicators: Compliance improves for 75% of participants; 75% of participants improve their knowledge and level of confidence; more tools are available to deal with side effects.

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"Projet Internet & Intervention en ligne" [Internet and online intervention project]

Applicant organization: Action Séro Zéro

Project description: Interactive, Internet-based HIV/AIDS prevention project targeting young MSM. On the site they can find a variety of information and services related to gay health, safe sex practices, STDs and AIDS.

Deliverables: Internet site for gays and bisexuals; Web logs by a young HIV-positive man and a young gay man; online bulletin board containing questions and answers on gay health.

Success indicators: Knowledge about the modes of HIV/AIDS and STD transmission, methods of protection, and other gay health-related topics, will be improved; site traffic will grow by 25%; more clients will take part in the organization's regular activities.

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"Directeur adjoint (soutien aux intervenants et à la direction)" [Deputy director (support for workers and the administration)]

Applicant organization: Action Séro Zéro

Project description: Support project to coordinate all the organization's activities aimed at HIV prevention in Montreal's gay community.

Deliverables: Support for workers; prevention materials; prevention activities.

Success indicators: Interventions in Montreal's gay bars and bathhouses will increase; more prevention materials will be distributed to clients (170,000 a year); a minimum of 200 people will participate in assertiveness and self-esteem workshops; over 400 copies of a video on homophobia will be distributed.

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"Le recrutement, l'orientation et l'encadrement des bénévoles" [Volunteer recruitment, guidance and coaching]

Applicant organization: Maison Plein Coeur

Project description: Funding for the volunteer coordinator position in order to recruit, guide, coach, train and recognize the organization's volunteers. The organization encourages its clients (PLHA) to work as volunteers to help HIV-positive individuals through the reintegration process.

Deliverables: Outreach activities; training and awareness workshops; volunteer support; volunteer recognition day.

Success indicators: Volunteers will have improved knowledge of the biomedical and psychosocial aspects of the disease; volunteers will be more skilled in methods of supporting PLHA; services provided to PLHA will be maintained.

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"Projet de coordination et responsable des dossiers du secteur de PRÉVENTION à IRIS ESTRIE" [Prevention sector issues coordination project at IRIS - Estrie region]

Applicant organization: I.R.I.S.-Estrie

Project description: Prevention sector coordination project to maintain existing services and develop new ones for at-risk client groups in the Estrie region. Through the project, the organization would like to create a Web site, develop new tools, and establish new partnerships in order to better serve clients in the region.

Deliverables: Prevention activities; intervention tools tailored to the needs of at-risk client groups; prevention materials; training of workers from other organizations.

Success indicators: At-risk clients will have improved knowledge about HIV/AIDS; information and prevention materials will be more accessible; more workers will be working with clients in the area of HIV/AIDS.

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"Promotion de la santé sexuelle auprès des hommes sourds ayant des relations affectives et sexuelles avec d'autres hommes (HSARASAH) séronégatifs ou séropositifs" [Sexual health promotion for HIV-negative and HIV-positive MASM with hearing impairments]

Applicant organization: Coalition Sida des Sourds du Québec (CSSQ)

Project description: Prevention project to reduce HIV/AIDS and STD transmission among hearing-impaired MASM throughout Quebec.

Deliverables: Adaptation into sign language and validation of existing documents on homosexuality, HIV/AIDS, and other STDs; facilitator training workshops; organization of a provincial tour to promote awareness of homosexuality among groups and associations for the hearing-impaired; support groups for hearing-impaired HIV-positive and HIV-negative MASM.

Success indicators: 65% of hearing-impaired MASM will have improved knowledge of HIV/AIDS and STD transmission and related terminology; the amount of testing carried out in the deaf community will increase; 30 facilitators will increase their knowledge and improve their skills.

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"Hey filles ! Mets tes culottes"

Applicant organization: Unité d'intervention Mobile L'Anonyme

Project description: This project's objectives are to promote the sexual health of young girls and young mothers who are vulnerable to HIV and other ITSBs, and to equip social workers in the appropriate organizations to do so. Various strategies will be developed to reach young people, and a training program is planned for social workers.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) creating an advisory committee with partners; 2) identifying social workers’ and young people’s needs regarding sexuality, HIV/AIDS and infections transmitted sexually and/or by blood (ITSBs); 3) conducting workshops on sexual health for young people; 4) creating prevention messages adapted to both sexes; 5) launching the tool delivering the prevention message during popular neighbourhood events; 6) providing training for partner social workers; and 7) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 100 young people will take part in the workshops; 2) 80% of them will develop awareness-raising messages 3) 80% of them will have a positive attitude toward taking charge of their sexual health; 4) 100% of partnering social workers will have access to the tool developed; and 5) 80% of them will have the skills to assist young people with sexual health matters.

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"Les Femmes et leur santé sexuelle... vers une prise en charge" [Women and sexual health ... toward greater empowerment]

Applicant organization: Centre femmes aux 3A de Québec inc.

Project description: Prevention project aimed at reducing HIV and STD transmission among women in the Quebec City region who are victims of violence and/or in need.

Deliverables: A series of six workshops on sexual health; adaptation of the program for female offenders and inmates; one designated worker per organization to follow up with workshop participants.

Success indicators: 300 women in need will increase their knowledge of HIV and STD transmission modes and improve their ability to negotiate safe sex; some 30 workers from different organizations will improve their skills in the area of HIV/AIDS and STD prevention; implementation of the program in at least six partner organizations in the region.

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Sentinelle bleue

Applicant organization: Centre Associatif Polyvalent d'Aide Hépatite C (CAPAHC)

Project description: This project targets inmates of the 12 federal penitentiaries as well as former inmates (through transition houses), and will call on the various resources that support inmates upon release. The objectives are to demonstrate how continuing to offer prevention and community support services to HIV-positive inmates following their release helps maintain their quality of life. Workshops focussing on training, providing information and developing information kits are planned.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) holding information sessions with prison staff; 2) conducting information workshops for inmates on the services available upon release; 3) creating a network of HIV/AIDS and HCV organizations serving former inmates; 4) offering support and referral services for PLHIV/HCV; and 5) analyzing and releasing project results.

Success indicators: 1) CSC workers and halfway house workers will be able to refer inmates to HIV/AIDS and HCV organizations; and 2) 25% of the former inmates will contact the CPAVIH or other partner groups.

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Cercle de partage et sensibilisation

Applicant organization: Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec-Labrador

Project description: This project targets native inmates in the 10 federal institutions. The objectives are to improve native inmates' knowledge of HIV and HCV and create opportunities for dialogue between participants and social workers. The project includes prevention workshops adapted to native culture (folktales and legends) in which participants will play an active role. Suitable tools will also be developed.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) developing prevention materials adapted to native culture (pictograms); 2) holding “prevention days,” including information workshops and sharing circles; and 3) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) native inmates will have a greater understanding of modes of transmission, the means of preventing HIV/AIDS and HCV and reduced-risk drug-injection practices; and 2) native inmates will be more able to discuss the effects of these illnesses openly.

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Rencontre, partage et réseautage: un organisme, une communauté à découvrir

Applicant organization: Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec-Labrador

Project description: The goal of this project is to create an opportunity for social workers from HIV/AIDS organizations, health organizations and other community services to get together and network with community health workers and nurses from native communities. Target communities: Val d'or, Gaspésie, Trois-Rivières, Sept-Iles, Chibougamau, Montreal.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) holding discussion and networking meetings in six Quebec regions; 2) producing materials for the meetings; and 3) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 50 social workers and 27 native elders will take part in the meetings; 2) 50% of the social workers will be more familiar with native realities; 3) 50% of the elders will be more knowledgeable about resources and services; 4) 50% of the social workers will provide services adapted to natives; and 5) 50% of the elders will refer natives to the appropriate resources.

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Les femmes autochtones victimes de violence et leur santé sexuelle... vers une prise en charge

Applicant organization: Femmes Autochtones du Québec

Project description: This program consists of six sexual health workshops for abused native women. The goal is to provide training on sexuality for social workers from native women's shelters and to hold workshops for native women residing at the shelters. The shelters are located across Quebec wherever native communities offer the service.

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) creating a working committee with partners; 2) adapting proven training content and tools to native culture; 3) training social workers on HIV, HCV and ITSBs; 4) conducting seven training sessions for the target population; and 5) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 75% of the social workers and women residing in shelters will be more knowledgeable about infections and risk factors; 2) 50% of the abused women will have a positive attitude towards adopting safe practices; and 3) 50% of the social workers will have the skills to take action and refer these women to health resources without delay.

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Travail de rue: Mon quartier, ma sexualité, mes couleurs

Applicant organization: Pact de rue

Project description: The goal of this project is to reach out to young people in difficulty (12–30 years old) in various ethnic communities in five different areas of Montreal (Plateau, Ahuntsic, Côte-des-Neiges, Verdun and Montréal-Nord). The objectives are to teach young people about how to prevent HIV and other ITSBs, make prevention and sexual health important considerations and develop promotional tools appropriate for the young people targeted. Activities will aim to involve young people in producing a variety of tools (comic books and videos).

Deliverables: Project activities are: 1) conducting training on HIV, HCV and safe practices for young people; 2) involving young people in creating prevention messages; 3) involving young people in creating videos (16); 4) involving young people in presenting materials to other young people; and 5) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 128 young people will take part in workshops; 2) 80% of them will have a positive attitude towards adopting safe practices; 3) 80% of them will incorporate the prevention-related concepts in the messages they create; and 4) 80% of them will produce videos and present them to other young people.

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Augmentation de la compassion auprès des utilisateurs de drogues par injection (UDI) de la région de Québec dans le contexte du VIH/sida et de l'hépatite C

Applicant organization: Point de repères

Project description: The goal of this project is to increase compassion for IDUs among police officers, merchants and other stakeholders in downtown Quebec City. The objectives are to inform participants about infection, reducing the ill effects, reference and support services and the lives of those infected. Training and awareness-building activities and opportunities for dialogue and cooperation are planned. The clientele will also take part in producing a video portraying the lives of IDUs and featuring personal accounts.

Deliverables: Project activities are:1) providing training to the target group on HIV, HCV and prevention; 2) offering the target group meetings where they can meet IDUs and hear their personal accounts; 3) organizing six meetings where they can dialogue with members of the target group; and 4) analyzing and releasing the results.

Success indicators: 1) 30 individuals from the target group will be trained and 80% of them will be more knowledgeable about prevention techniques and referrals; 2) 50 individuals from the target group will take part in meetings showcasing IDUs’ personal accounts and 80% of them will understand the realities of IDUs; and 3) 10 individuals from the target group will take part in the dialogue meetings and 100% of them will identify possible avenues for prevention activities.