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HIV/ AIDS and Health Determinants: Lessons for Coordinating Policy and Action

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A Discussion Paper for the Ministerial Council on AIDS


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Appendix A - Information Sources
Literature Data Bases

InfoAction ( The Information & Research Centre, at the Vancouver Public Library searched the following sources for relevant literature:

  • OCLC including PAIS, Social Sciences Abstracts, SIRS, ECO, Proceedings and WilsonSelectPlus
  • All Canadian HIV/ AIDS-related associations from the Associations Canada List
  • Canadian Business and Current Affairs ( including scholarly journals)
  • Dow Jones Health and Medical ( The Lancet, Women and Environments, AIDS Weekly, AIDS Alert)
  • Applied Science and Technology Index
  • Health Canada, Bureau of HIV/ AIDS, STD and TB website
  • BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/ AIDS
  • Canadian Bureau of HIV/ AIDS
  • BC Ministry of Health
  • Vanguard Project
  • Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy
  • National Resource Centre on Homelessness and Mental Illness
  • Microlog and the Canadian Research Index ( government/ consultants reports
  • Canadian News Disc (Canadian newspapers)
  • Ebsco including Health Source Academic, Academic Source Elite and Masterfile databases
  • Medline for North America, Europe and Australia
  • European Database on AIDS and HIV (
  • National AIDS Trust ( United Kingdom)
  • Sigma Research ( United Kingdom)
  • U. K. Department of Health
  • European Commission
  • E-Library
  • British HIV Association/ Foundation for AIDS
  • HIV Outreach Research Project
  • Community HIV and AIDS Promotion Strategy
  • World Health Organization
  • University of British Columbia Library Catalogue
  • Electric Library
  • Vancouver Public Library Catalogue
  • Government and institutional websites from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and elsewhere
  • Australian National HIV/ AIDS Strategy site
  • National Centre in HIV Social Research
  • Australian Research Centre in Health and Society

List Serves
The following list serves produced over 30 responses from Canada, the United States, Bolivia, UNAIDS, the United Kingdom, Italy, India, Saudi Arabia, Gambia, South Africa and elsewhere.


  • European Union, HIV/ AIDS Programme in Developing Countries:
  • Health and Development Networks:
  • AIDS Education and Prevention, An Interdisciplinary Journal:
  • The Rockefeller Foundation:
  • Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Canada:

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