Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The Ministerial Council On HIV/AIDS

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Annual Report April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004

4.0 Membership and structure

Council members are appointed by the Minister of Health and are chosen for their experience and collective expertise. Because the Council must be a voice of those infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, five of its 15 members are people living with HIV/AIDS. The Minister of Health reviews the membership of the Council on an annual basis to ensure that it consists of members who can provide the best timely advice.

To encourage collaborative efforts with the provinces and territories, the Provincial Co-Chair of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (Frank McGee) holds an ex-officio position on the Ministerial Council. The Director General of the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (Dr. Frank Plummer) also holds an ex-officio position as Health Canada's standing representative on the Council.

See Appendix 2 for a list of Ministerial Council members and their biographies.

The Ministerial Council is supported by a Secretariat housed in the Strategic Partnerships and Coordination Unit, HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division, Health Canada.

The Ministerial Council met three times during 2003-2004 and had one face-to-face meeting with the Minister. The Council provides brief meeting reports to the Minister following each meeting of the full Council. In 2004-2005, the Ministerial Council plans to hold four meetings.

Between Council meetings the committees meet by teleconference. The Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS has established the following standing committees:

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring that the work required for productive Council meetings is done in a timely manner. It supports the Secretariat in maintaining a reciprocal relationship between the Council, the Minister and Health Canada. It is also responsible for: the annual meeting with the Minister; identifying issues for the Council; and a variety of other issues.

Championing Committee
The Championing Committee analyses current and emerging issues in order to determine and prepare relevant recommendations to the Minister.

Communications and Liaison Committee
The Communications and Liaison Committee participates in the development and updating of communications tools such as the website and oversees processes put in place to communicate with the Minister and a diverse group of stakeholders. Committee members also provide advice to the Minister on specific occasions such as World AIDS Day.

Research Committee
The Research Committee examines all research issues arising under the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS.

Ad hoc International Affairs Committee
During 2003-2004, the Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS established this new committee with a focus on international affairs in recognition of the important links between Canada's domestic and international responses to HIV/AIDS.

The Council, through the Communications and Liaison Committee, explores the development of possible links to other relevant bodies that could provide both expertise and partnership opportunities for policy development.

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