Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS

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Towards a Broader View of Health: Strengthening Inter-Ministerial Collaboration on HIV/AIDS in Canada

Appendix V

This appendix provides information on the references cited in this paper, as well as other documents and websites that were consulted during the research conducted for this paper.


The following numbered references refer to specific citations in the text of this paper.

  1. All Canadian statistics in this section were taken from HIV in Canada, EPI Update. Bureau of HIV/AIDS STD and TB. Health Canada. November 2000.
  2. The Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS: Moving Forward Together. Health Canada. 1998.
  3. All global statistics in this section were taken from AIDS Epidemic Update: December 2000. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and World Health Organization. November 2000.
  4. Supra, note 2.
  5. Mattessich PW, and Monsey BR (with definition work by Winer M). Collaboration: What Makes It Work. A Review of Research Literature on Factors Influencing Successful Collaboration. Wilder Research Center, in association with Wilder's Community Collaboration Venture. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. 1992.
  6. Ibid.
  7. British Columbia's Framework for Action on HIV/AIDS. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. October1998.
  8. British Columbia's Action on AIDS: Report from the Interministry Committee on HIV/AIDS. November 2000.
  9. Intergovernmental Collaboration on HIV/AIDS... A Discussion Paper. Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS (sub-committee of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health). Health Canada. June 1999.
  10. Intersectoral Action...Towards Population Health. Report of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health. Health Canada. June 1999.
  11. The website of Health Canada at <> under "Population Health."
  12. Strategies for Population Health: Investing in the Health of Canadians. Prepared by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health for the Meeting of the Ministers of Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 14-25, 1994. Health Canada.
  13. Supra, note 11.
  14. Ibid.
  15. Toward a Healthy Future: Second Report on the Health of Canadians. Prepared by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health for the Meeting of the Ministers of Health, Charlottetown, P.E.I. September 1999. Health Canada.
  16. Towards a Common Understanding...Clarifying the Core Concepts of Population Health. Health Canada. 1996.
  17. The website of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency at at <http://www.ccraadrc.> under "Who we are."
  18. The website of the Canadian International Development Agency at <http://www.acdicida.> under "What we do."
  19. The website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada website at <> under "Department" and then "About Us."
  20. The website of Correctional Service Canada at <> under "About Us."
  21. The website of the Department of Justice at <> under "The Department."
  22. Supra, note 2.
  23. 23. Supra, note 12.
  24. The website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade at <> under "The Department," then "Mission" and then "Mandate."
  25. The website of Human Resources Development Canada at <>.
  26. The website of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at <>.
  27. The website of Industry Canada at <> under "About Industry Canada."
  28. The website of the International Development Research Centre at <>.
  29. The website of Status of Women Canada <>.
  30. The website of Veterans Affairs Canada at <> under "The Department."
  31. The website of the Department of Finance at <> under "About the Department."
  32. The website of the Privy Council Office at <>.
  33. The website of the Treasury Board Secretariat at <> under "About TBS."
  34. Fitzgerald O. The Federal Interdepartmental Committee on Human Rights and AIDS. Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter: 1(1). Fall 1994.
  35. Jürgens R. No Compulsory HIV-Antibody Testing of Persons Accused or Convicted of Sexual Assault. Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter: 1(3). April 1995.
  36. Jürgens R. Joint Project on Criminalization of HIV Transmission. Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter: 2(2). January 1996.
  37. Supra, note 7.
  38. Supra, note 8.
  39. Ibid.
  40. The website of Health Canada website at <> under "Family Violence" and then "Family Violence Initiative."
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Other Documents and Websites

The following documents and websites were also consulted.


Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Newsletter: 2(2). January 1996. Sections on (a) Criminal Justice and (b) Prisoners and HIV/AIDS.

Determinants of Health. Fact sheet from the Association of Ontario Health Centres, drawn from the Premiers Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice, 1987-1991 and The Health of Canada's Children, Volume 2. Canadian Institute of Child Health. Ottawa, 1990.

Elliott R. Criminal Law and HIV/AIDS: Final Report. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Canadian AIDS Society. Montréal, 1996.

Jürgens R. HIV/AIDS in Prisons: Final Report. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Canadian AIDS Society. Montréal, September1996.

Rådö, G. HIV prevention in Europe. Report from Sweden National Institute of Public Health. Sweden. 1998

Wright S. The U.K. All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS: A Model for Engaging Parliamentarians to Support Constructive Legislation and Policy. Abstract E2986, XIIIth International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa. All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS, London, United Kingdom. July 2000.


Amherst H. Wilder Foundation - Research Center, Saint Paul, Minnesota at <>.

British Columbia's Ministry of Health & Ministry Responsible for Seniors, HIV/AIDS Division at <> under "Browse by topic" and then "HIV/AIDS."

Canada's Drug Strategy at <> under "Drugs," then "Drugs/Substance Abuse" and then "Canada's Drug Strategy."

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network at <> under "Main Content," then "Publications" and then (a) "HIV /AIDS Policy and Law Review" and then "Past Issues," and (b) "Discussion Papers and Final Reports."

Department of Health, United Kingdom at <> under "Public Health," then "Sexual Health" and then "National Sexual Health & HIV Strategy."

Environment Canada at <> under "Issues" and then "Sustainable Development."

Health Determinants Partnership's (Ontario) "Making Connections" Program at <>.

Natural Resources Canada at <> under "About Us," then "Issues" and then "Sustainable Development."

Office of the Auditor-General at <> under "Commissioner of the Environment & Sustainable Development," then "About Us" and then "Mandate."

UNAIDS - the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS at <>.

Voluntary Sector Initiative, on website of Privy Council Organization at <> under "Activities & Programs" and then "Task Force on Voluntary Sector."

World Health Organization (WHO) at <> under "Health Topics," then "Diseases: Communicable/Infectious Diseases," and then "HIV/AIDS."

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