Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Report on Governments’ Responses to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Canada

A National Portrait

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Appendix B

Project Overview

A National Portrait: A Report on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Canada OVERVIEW

HIV/AIDS has cut a swath through vulnerable communities in Canada, leaving 13,000 deceased and over 55,000 today living with the virus and its consequences. Governments have each responded to the epidemic in their own way but their efforts have been somewhat hampered by the lack of detailed and readily available information about (i) the epidemic's presence in each jurisdiction and (ii) each jurisdiction's policy and programmatic response.

The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS is preparing this National Portrait so as to fill that information gap. Its objectives are:

  • to document the epidemic's presence in each Canadian jurisdiction;

  • to summarize each jurisdiction's policy and program to the epidemic; and

  • to identify issues of current concern.

The National Portrait may serve as a foundation for a more cohesive and more fully collaborative, inter-governmental response to the epidemic.

Dr. Martin Spigelman is preparing this portrait for FPT AIDS, building on his previous work for the Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS and for Health Canada, for example his review of The Federal Government Role in the CSHA, 1998-2003 ( can_strat/publications/ahead.html). The project's methodology will include a review of the epidemiological data from each jurisdiction and of other national, provincial and territorial documents on HIV/AIDS, as well as interviews with both governmental and non-governmental key informants in each jurisdiction.

For further information, please contact:

Tanya Lary
HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination & Programs Division
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tel: (613) 954-0628, Fax: (613) 952-3556

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