Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Report on Governments' Responses to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Canada

A National Portrait

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Alberta Blood-borne Pathogens Surveillance Working Group. 2003. Alberta Blood-borne Pathogens Surveillance Report 2003. Edmonton, AB. Alberta Health and Wellness.

Alberta Community Council on HIV. n.d. What is the Alberta Community HIV Fund?

Alberta Health and Wellness and Health Canada. 2001. Alberta Aboriginal HIV Strategy, 2001-2004. Spring.

Alberta. 1999. HIV in Alberta, 1998/99 - 2002. Alberta Health Strategy. Alberta Health and Wellness. March.

BC Aboriginal AIDS Task Force. 1999. The Red Road, Pathways to Wholeness: An Aboriginal Strategy for HIV and AIDS in BC.

BC Centre for Disease Control. 2000. Chee Mamuk, "New Work." A Report on the HIV Epidemic Among Aboriginal People in British Columbia for the Year 2000. STD/AIDS Control and Chee Mamuk.

British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Society. 2000. HIV/AIDS Update, Annual 2000. Prepared by Robbie G. MacDougall, Michael L. Rekart, et. al.

British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Society. 2001. HIV/AIDS Update, Annual 2001. Prepared by Robbie G. MacDougall, Michael L. Rekart, et. al.

British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Society. 2002. HIV/AIDS Update, Annual 2002. Prepared by Robbie G. MacDougall, Michael L. Rekart, et. al.

British Columbia. 2003. Priorities in Action in Managing the Epidemics. HIV/AIDS in B.C.: 2003-2007. BC Ministry of Health Planning and BC Ministry of Health Services. September.

Canada, Correctional Service Canada. 2003. Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control in Canadian Federal Penitentiaries, 2000-01.

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Canada, Health Canada. 2004(a). HIV and AIDS in Canada: Surveillance Report to December 31, 2003. Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. April.

Canada, Health Canada. 2004(b). I-Track. Enhanced Surveillance of Risk Behaviours Among Injecting Drug Users in Canada. Pilot Survey Report. Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. February.

Canada, Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS. Special Working Group on Aboriginal Issues. 2001. Situational Analysis: A Background Paper on AIDS/HIV and Aboriginal People. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Elliott L, Blanchard J. 1999. The Winnipeg Injection Drug Epidemiology Study: A Study of the Epidemiology of Injection Drug Use and HIV Infection in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Final Report.

Jürgens, R. 1996. HIV/AIDS in Prisons: Final Report. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the Canadian AIDS Society. (

Manitoba Health. 1995. Manitoba's Provincial AIDS Strategy.

Manitoba Health. 2001(a). Provincial Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Strategy. Communicable Disease Control Unit. August.

Manitoba Health. 2001(b). Communicable Disease Management Protocol. HIV Infection and AIDS. Communicable Disease Control Unit. November.

Manitoba Health. 2002. An Update on the Continuing Implementation of the Manitoba Provincial AIDS Strategy. Communicable Disease Control Unit. Winter.

Manitoba Health. 2003. Manitoba Health Statistical Update on HIV/AIDS, 1985-June 2003. Communicable Disease Control Unit.

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Manitoba, Public Health. 2003. Communicable Disease Control Unit. Manitoba Health Statistical Update on HIV/AIDS 1985-June 2003. Manitoba Health, July 15, 2003.

Manitoba, Public Health. Communicable Disease Control Unit. Reportable Diseases Manitoba. CDC Annual Review Calendar Year 2001. Manitoba Health.

Manitoba. 2003(a). Aboriginal AIDS Strategy Round Table Chair Appointed on World AIDS Day. December 1.

Manitoba. 2003(b). Manitoba Statistical Update on HIV/AIDS, 1985-June 2003. July 15, 2003.

Montreal Public Health Department. 2002. Portrait of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Quebec December 2002. Adapted from: Direction des communications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Portrait de l'épidémie VIH/Sida au Québec, décembre.

Northwest Territories. 2004. Notifiable Diseases for the NWT, October 2003 - December 2003. Epi North, Vol. 16(1).

Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS. 2003. Nova Scotia's Strategy on HIV/AIDS.

Ontario Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS. 2002. A Proposed HIV/AIDS Strategy for Ontario to 2008. June.

Ontario, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. 2002. Public Health and Epidemiology Report Ontario. 13(7), September 30.

Ontario. 1997. Mandatory Health Programs and Service Guidelines. Ministry of Health/Public Health Branch. December.

Quebec, Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux. 2003. Portrait of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Quebec, December 2002. Adaptation prepared by the Montreal Public Health Department.

Québec, Santé et Services sociaux. 1999. AIDS in the Workplace. Let's do something about it! And How.

Quebec, Santé et Services sociaux. 2000. Preventing AID and other STDs through sexuality education for students with intellectual impairments. Compendium of teaching and learning activities geared to adapted curricula.

Québec, Santé et Services sociaux. 2002. Portrait de l'infection par le VIH et du SIDA au Québec. Décembre 2002. Analyses et surveillance.

Quebec, Santé et Services sociaux. 2003. Surveillance des cas de syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). Cas Cumulatifs 1979-2003.

Québec, Santé et Services sociaux. 2004. Stratégie Québécoise de lutte contre l'infection par le VIH et le SIDA, l'infection par le VHC et les infections transmissibles sexuellement. Orientations 2003-2009.

Québec. 2003. Surveillance de l'infection par le Virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) au Québec. Rapport préliminaire 2002-2003. Santé et Services sociaux.

Remis, Robert et. al. 1998. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 1981 to 1996.. Prepared for the AIDS Bureau, Ministry of Health. July.

Remis, Robert et. al. 1999. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 1997-1998. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. November.

Remis, Robert S. et. al. 2001. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2000. Prepared for the AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. December.

Remis, Robert S. et. al. 2002. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2001. Prepared for the AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. November.

Remis, Robert S. et. al. 2003. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2002. Prepared for the AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. November. (

Saskatchewan Health, the Prince Albert Health District and Health Canada. 1998. Prince Albert Seroprevalence and Risk Behaviour Survey.

Saskatchewan Health, the Regina Health District and Health Canada. 2000. The Regina Seroprevalence Study: A Profile of Injection Drug Use in a Prairie City.

Saskatchewan Health. 2004. Guidelines for the Management of Potential Exposures to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and Recommendations for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. Saskatchewan Subcommittee on HIV/AIDS. January.

Saskatchewan, Provincial Health Strategy Team. 2002. At Risk: Recommendations for a Strategy on HIV, Blood-borne Pathogens and Injection Drug Use. Regina.

Spigelman, Martin. 2003. Getting Ahead of the Epidemic: The Federal Government Role in the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS, 1998-2008. Prepared for Health Canada and the Five-Year Review Advisory Committee. June.

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