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World AIDS Day - December 1, 2000

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World AIDS Day has a special place in the history of the AIDS pandemic. Since 1988, December 1st has been a day for bringing messages of compassion, hope, solidarity and understanding about AIDS to every country in the world.

Each year there is a particular theme chosen for World AIDS Day. The theme for the 13th World AIDS Day (2000) is "AIDS: Men make a difference". This year's theme recognizes the fact that engaging men as partners in fighting HIV/AIDS is the surest way to change the course of the epidemic. The UN cites that many cultural beliefs and expectations about "manhood" also encourage risky sexual and drug-taking behaviour in men.

For many Canadians living with HIV and AIDS, fear, isolation, and discrimination continue unabated. For others, the need to resolve drug regime compliance issues and to find new treatment therapies to replace those that are failing are paramount. Legal, ethical and human rights issues, concerns about the availability and accessibility of increasingly expensive care and treatment and a growing awareness of the need to address the factors that make Canadians vulnerable to HIV infection call for strengthened dialogue and the building of unique partnerships.

There is neither a vaccine nor a cure for AIDS and although much has been accomplished, the HIV virus is a tough one to tackle. No sooner are gains made in one area, than the virus changes course and a whole new set of increasingly complex challenges develop.

The epidemic is not over and this is not the time for complacency!

Point -of change -of view Newsletter

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