Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada's Report on HIV/AIDS 2004

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This report is intended to inform the HIV/AIDS community, the Canadian public and parliamentarians of the current realities of HIV/AIDS, of progress that has been made in Canada in responding to the epidemic, and of the challenges that lie ahead. This report will also help inform international audiences of Canada's domestic and global response to HIV/AIDS. Finally, it meets the Minister of Health's obligation to report annually to Treasury Board on the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS.

Canada's Report on HIV/AIDS 2004 covers the period April 2003 to March 2004. Information on significant events or activities that have taken place since March 2004 is also contained in the report. On September 24, 2004, responsibility for population and public health activities was transferred to the newly established Public Health Agency of Canada from Health Canada. The information in this report was gathered through a questionnaire distributed to governmental and non-governmental partners in the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS (CSHA) and through other research. Although the majority of activities described in the report are funded through federal resources under the CSHA, efforts have been made to provide additional information on HIV/AIDS-related activities funded from other sources, including the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Foreign Affairs Canada.

This report also includes four feature articles aimed at highlighting the important role community-based organizations play in the Canadian response. These features are not intended to encompass all aspects of the community-based response, but rather to give readers a glimpse of how the community's voice is being heard and how community-based organizations are working together in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

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