Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS

2006 - 2009 Strategic Plan

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F/P/T AIDS facilitates strong federal/provincial/territorial intergovernmental collaboration in addressing a pan-Canadian approach to HIV/AIDS in Canada, while respecting jurisdictional responsibilitiesl activities.

The FederallProvincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS (F/P/T AIDS) was established in 1988 by the Conference of Deputy Ministers of Health (CDMH) in order to provide HIV/AIDS policy advice on issues of national relevance to Deputy Ministers. Since that time, the F/P/T AIDS has received ongoing funding through the Treasury Board process. The CDMH recognized that RN does not respect jurisdictional boundaries and that there was a crucial need for concerted intergovernmental action if the epidemic was to be addressed adequately in Canada. No one jurisdiction, on its own, had the capacity to develop and implement the necessary solutions. At the outset, F/P/T AIDS reported directly to CDMH.

In 1994, at the request of the Ministers of Health, F/P/T AIDS prepared a review of Canada's response to HIV/AIDS

In 1998, F/P/T AIDS was redirected from being an advisory committee reporting directly to CDMH to being a subcommittee of the newly formed Advisory Committee on Population Health (ACPH). Providing policy advice on HIV/AIDS to CDMH was affirmed as the mandate of F/P/T AIDS; however, it would now be vetted through ACPH first.

The CDMH approved, in principle, a revised organizational structure for F/P/T committees in 2002. Under the new structure, ACPH was transformed into the Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security (ACPlll-IS). In 2006, with the formation of the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, F/P/T AIDS was designated as an "liaison committee". Liaison committees are viewed as having ongoing F/P/T collaboration mandates. The mandates include providing advice to and receiving direction and input from the CDMH via the Public Health Network Council. In this context, the F/P/T AIDS will function as a liaison committee reporting to the PHN.

F/P/T AIDS, as one of its planned activities for the year, engaged in a strategic planning process in June 2006. This has proven to be opportune, in light of the new PHN organizational structure. A list of those who participated is provided in Appendix C.

The Federal Provincial Territorial Committee on AIDS Strategic Plan describes the processes and strategic directions that will guide the activities of F/P/T AIDS and support its leadership role in addressing HIV/AIDS issues for the next three years. As in the 2003-2006 F/P/T AIDS Strategic Plan, given the nature of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the intergovernmental context of the Committee, this plan is also a living document that will be reviewed and updated.

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