Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS

2006 - 2009 Strategic Plan

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Strategic Directions

The strategic plan summary chart below outlines three strategic primary goals and further breaks them down into key objectives. Key activities and specific deliverables define anticipated actions and outcomes, respectively. This chart forms the basis for a work plan.

F/P/T AIDS generated the following criteria to guide their decisions for their 2006-2009 strategic plan. Each activity must:

  • Be coherent with the F/P/T AIDS mission, mandate, and values
  • Be concrete and organizationally . and materially possible
  • Be within the sphere of influence and relationships of members ofF/P/T AIDS
  • Have identifiable partners
  • Have readiness among partners to participate with us

Goal #1: To collaboratively promote further development of public policy on issues related to HN/AIDS at the federal and provincial and territorial levels over the next three years.

Mandate Linkage: Policy advice on issues related to HIV/AIDS
Challenges Linkage: Steering role of governments Anticipated Outcomes:

  • Increased prevention programs among provinces and territories
  • Increased accessibility to prevention programs

Decrease in number of HN infections

Key Objectives   Key Activities Notes Outputs/Deliverables
Provide timely, evidence-based policy advice on issues related to HIV/AIDS. 1 Solicit regular updates on research activities and findings related to HIV/AIDS in Canada Ongoing activity Attend Canadian Association of HIV Research
2 Solicit regular care, treatment, support, and prevention progranurung updates from member governments Ongoing activity Jurisdictional updates and presentations at face to face meetings.
  3 Receive updates from working groups undertaking activities related to HIV/AIDS (e.g. Canadian Working Group on HIV Rehabilitation). Ongoing activity Policy
Catalogue of updates from working groups
  4 Work with provincial and territorial Ministers of Education to improve HIV/AIDS content in school sexual health curricula This is a new activity. It is a logical follow-up to the Canada, Youth and Aids conference. Additions to existing curricula could include: Discussing HIV/ AIDS in a global context Discussing risk behaviours Understanding the factors that create vulnerability among youth. F/P/T AIDS members will make representations to provincial and territorial Ministers of Education Meetings with provincial and territorial officials responsible for curricula development Improvements to HIV /AIDS content in curricula Link with other groups who are doing work in this area, e.g. Sexual Health Working Group-(Joint Consortium)
  5 Explore opportunities for cooperation and collaboration   More consultations and partnerships with other government departments and community groups
  6 Monitor and analyse responses to multi-drug resistance in selected jurisdictions and develop recommendations for an appropriate and consistent pan-Canadian approach.    
  7 Review PIT considerations regarding HIV Testing and Partner Notification approach being taken by Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ongoing activity Annual update from Citizenship and Immigration
  8 Provide leadership in the implementation of "Reducing the Harm Associated with mu in Canada" framework as it pertains to national HIV/ AIDS issues. This activity was listed in the 2003-2006 Strategic Plan. The F/P/T AIDS has successfully published the "Reducing ..." report, as indicated in that plan. Now, the F/P/T AIDS will seek to implement the results of this report by working jointly with other federal, provincial and territorial governmental organizations (e.g., health, security and justice portfolios) to develop ways to deliver an integrated approach to harm reduction and prevention. Conversations with officials across governments and policy domains towards the development of nationally consistent and locally relevant approaches to harm reduction and prevention.
  9 Review and revise testing and counseling guidelines in all jurisdictions F/P/T AIDS seeks more uniformity across jurisdictions regarding HIV screening (including pre-natal screening). It seeks standard concomitant responses to screening outcomes. See new Quebec guidelines as possible model. A national statement on HIV testing A national statement on HIV counseling guidelines A process for reviewing testing and counseling protocols in each jurisdiction Commencement of reviews

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Goal #2: To promote increased intergovernmental, inter-jurisdictional, and multilevel collaboration on issues related to HIVIAIDS in Canada over the next three years.

Mandate Linkage: Collaborative actions.
Challenges Linkage: Inter-sectoral and inter-jurisdictional collaboration

Anticipated Outcomes:

  • Demonstrable impact on policy and program initiatives that are likely to result in reduced incidence ofHIV.
  • Reduced vulnerability among populations most affected by HIV/AIDS, evidenced by reduced rates of infection
  • Improved SES for First Nations, Inuit and Metis people, resulting in decreased rates of infection among these groups
Key Objectives   Key Activities Notes Outputs/Deliverables
Lead collaborative efforts among relevant federal, provincal and territorial organizations and community group to proactively respond HIV/AIDS related issues over th next three years. Lead collaborative practices that will address health determinants to reduce the vulnerabilities of the Canadian population to HIV/AIDS 1 Explore opportunities to enhance collaborative working relationships with national committees and other F/PIT mechanisms Ongoing activity  
2 Create new mechanisms for encouraging co-ordination and co-operation among stakeholders. Create an "others" table at F/P/T AIDS meeting that includes, for instance, members of the FPT Corrections Working Group on Health Engaged input from representatives of other policy domains.
3 Create mechanisms to enhance inter-jurisdictional capacity to respond to health determinants that influence vulnerability to HIV. Ongoing activity  
4 Develop post release plan guidelines for federal and provincial correctional institutions   Consultations with federal and provincial correctional officials have begun. Guidelines in place
5 Review UNGASS commitments and summarize implications for F/P/T governments directly, as well as in the annual report to CDMH. Ongoing activity (recurs every two years) Summary report of UNGASS commitments and implications for F/P/T governments. (Link to annual report to CDMH)
6 Collaborate (as appropriate) with the Public Health Agency of Canada in the development of programs, e.g. National HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign    
7 Collaborate with National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS (NACHA) to identify opportunities for inter-jurisdictional collaboration to reduce the impact ofHIV/AIDS in First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities. F/P/T AIDS will invite representatives from this group to their table. As a ftrst step, F/P/T AIDS will seek their views on how we can work together. As well, seek to understand their issues. On-going consultations with NACHA

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Goal #3: To promote the use of epidemiological data and community infonnation in the development of policy, programs and dservices in Canada over the next three years.

Mandate Linkage: Evidence Based Analysis
Challenge Linkage: Leadership: promoting action on HIV/AIDS.
Anticipated Outcome:
Best practices re HIV programming are identified and shared among federal, provincial and territorial agencies..

Key Objectives   Key Activities Notes Outputs/Deliverables

To collaborate with I the Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division of the PHAC to enhance the quality of the current HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Canada

To improve understanding of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada through identification of strategic, targeted epidemiological studies

To improve linkage between users and producers of HIV/AIDS epidemiological and surveillance infonnation

1 Encourage implementation of enhanced aspects of existing routine surveillance systems   An improved national HIV/AIDS surveillance system. Enhanced evidence base of infonnation from targeted studies. HIV related policies and programs reflect the latest HIV evidence
2 Identify gaps in targeted epidemiologic studies for HIV  
3 Develop a plan to advocate for the resources to address these gaps.  

Build a supportable environment for KE (knowledge exchange) between users and producers of HIV/AIDS epilsurveillance infonnation. Examples include:

-Revise funding streams to integrate KE

-Examine potential for KE integration into existing activities

-Create opportunities for enhanced user competency in using data

-Consider establishing a web site to address identified needs of users


Build best practice in KE of HIV/AIDS epilsurveillance infonnation

-Evaluate current system to identify key players, needs, current practice, existing strengths, challenges

-Scan existing KE activities in other fields to identify best practices

-Ongoing monitoring and reporting on progress

6 FPT AIDS stays informed of work plans arising from regular HIV/AIDS Surveillance Meetings, Ottawa  
7 Revise standard definitions for Exposure Categories, HIV-Endemic Countries and Ethnic categories; address revisions to HIV/AIDS reporting form  
8 Update/revise 1991 surveillance guidelines including standard data-gathering practices  
9 Consider rationale and proposal for system evaluation  


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