Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Government of Canada Report to the Secretary General of the United Nations on the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS January 2003 - December 2005

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Annex 1
Consultation/Preparation Process for the national report on monitoring the follow-up to the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) was the lead agency in preparing the 2006 UNGASS Report. The initial drafts of the Main Section, Part A of Annex 2 (the National Composite Policy Index), and Annex 3 were prepared by PHAC in consultation with other government departments participating in the federal response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and with representatives of the provinces and territories. A draft was sent out for consultation in late November to key national partners, national non-governmental organizations, the Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS, and the National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS. Enhancements were made to the document based on the feedback received.

In a separate process, PHAC initiated a contract with an external consultant to prepare Part B of Annex 2 (the National Composite Policy Index) concerning human rights and civil society participation in consultation with national HIV/AIDS non-governmental organizations and human rights experts. This draft document was sent to national HIV/AIDS non-governmental organizations for feedback and input.

On January 10, 2006, a teleconference was held with representatives of key national partners and government departments to review and discuss the findings of the entire report (including both parts of Annex 2) in order to: address issues of consistency, accuracy and tone; ensure that the document as a whole provides an accurate picture of the Canadian response; and recommend a process for future UNGASS reporting. The teleconference ended with general agreement as to text of the combined report subject to suggested changes and modifications. The report was then submitted to the Chief Public Health Officer for approval. Part B of Annex 2, prepared in consultation with national HIV/AIDS non-governmental organizations, will not be subject to changes by government as it is to be an independent work and reflect the perspectives of external to government stakeholders.

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