Public Health Agency of Canada
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Cardiovascular Disease Science and Research

Public Health Agency of Canada publications relevant to Cardiovascular Disease

Neutel CI, Morrison H, Campbell NR, de Groh M. Statin use in Canadians: trends, determinants and persistence. New Window Can J Public Health. 2007 Sep-Oct;98(5):412-6.

Villeneuve PJ, Lane RS, Morrison HI. Coronary heart disease mortality and radon exposure in the Newfoundland fluorspar miners' cohort, 1950-2001. New Window Radiat Environ Biophys. 2007 Aug;46(3):291-6

Neutel CI, Campbell NR. Antihypertensive medication use by recently diagnosed hypertensive Canadians. New Window Can J Cardiol. 2007 May 15;23(7):561-5.

Onysko J, Maxwell C, Eliasziw M, Zhang JX, Johansen H, Campbell NR; Canadian Hypertension Education Program. Large increases in hypertension diagnosis and treatment in Canada after a healthcare professional education program. Hypertension. New Window 2006 Nov;48(5):853-60. Epub 2006 Sep 18.

Hu J, Waters C, Ugnat AM et al. Trends in mortality from ischemic heart disease in Canada, 1986-2000. Chronic Dis Can 2006;27(2):85-91.

Mo F, Pogany LM, Li FC, Morrison H. Prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular comorbidity in the Canadian Community Health Survey 2002-2003. New Window ScientificWorldJournal. 2006 Jan 24;6:96-105.

de Groh M, Morrison HI. Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. Chronic Dis Can 2002;23:13-6.

Morrison HI, Ellison LF, Taylor G. Periodontal Disease and Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart and Cerebrovascular Diseases. New Window J Cardiovascular Risks 1999;6:7-12

Villeneuve PJ, Morrison HI. Coronary heart disease mortality among Newfoundland fluorspar miners. New Window Scand J Work Environ Health 1997;23:221-6.

Morrison HI, Schaubel D, Desmeules M, Mao Y, Wigle DT. Serum Folate and Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease. New Window JAMA 1996; 275:1893-6.

Morrison HI, Semenciw RM, Mao Y, Wigle DT. Serum Iron Stores and risk of Fatal Acute Myocardial Infarction. New Window Epidemiology 1994;5:243-6.

Semenciw R, Morrison H, Wigle DT, Cole W, Hill G. Recent trends in morbidity and mortality rates for abdominal aortic aneurysms. New Window Can J Public Health 1992; 83:274-6.